Need Suggestions on a Single 26650 Light...

You seem to be popping up with Banggood news when Gearbest is mentioned. You said “As far as I know, no other retailers except Banggood”. Are you now certain that no other retailers carry?

Current Gearbest page:
Switch Location: Tail Cap

Does high drain trip protection circuit ?!

I'm not sure what the accusation is here, or quite what you're trying to insinuate. Do you think I'm somehow affiliated with Banggood! Haha, what possibly lead to this perception?! Please kindly explain so that I can ensure no one thinks this in future!

I have a personal discount code for the Ganzo G302B multitool from Gearbest too, which I am willing to share by PM, but it's not relevant to this thread, so I only posted the facts - which in this case unfortunately relate to Banggood. In my original post, I believe there were extensive links given to CnQualitygoods, EDC-Light, Gearbeat and Banggood. Do I work for all of them now?!

The only discount I mentioned was that in M4D M4X's thread and the email newsletter published publicly by Banggood. I also gave advice to a poster on a thread about the S-L3 who to contact for a deal from Ric @ CnQaulityGoods.

[quote=BLightSam] You said "*As far as I know*, no other retailers except Banggood". Are you now *certain* that no other retailers carry? [/quote]

It is a FACT that this is the ONLY store mentioning or displaying the newest revision of the JM35. No one has posted in any of the the other JM35 threads about receiving an unexpected updated version from other stores who still display the previous version. So I can't possibly write otherwise just to satisfy someone thinking I might prefer one store over another. (BTW, that's just not true and it's a bizarre statement to infer, leaving me a little insulted for making the effort.)

As I don't work for any of these stores or their distributers, of course I can't be "certain", but I don't think anyone here can be unless they order one from Gearbest today (who knows when they were introduced) and are lucky enough to receive the new version. Perhaps if you are willing to take the risk in buying from Gearbest, you could kindly feedback whether you receive the later model for all our benefit.

[quote=BLightSam] [EDIT] Current Gearbest page: Switch Location: Tail Cap [/quote]

Gearbest picture the previous version and make no mention of the extension tube that is the main feature of the new batch.

They state "Upgrade" in the listing title because originally it was an MT-G2 only light (which they listed without the word upgrade). Then when the XHP-50 option was introduced, they updated the listing to the 'upgraded' version.

Banggood also still have the previous version listed just like Gearbest, but created a brand new stock listing and description when they started selling the NEW version.

Therefore it makes logical sense that Gearbest would also update the listing again, or create a new one for these other major changes. But they haven't, so its fairly safe to make the assumption they are not stocking it yet.

Also Gearbest have incorrectly stated this "switch location: Tail cap" in their description from the very beginning when it was known to only have a side-button. I think this was a relic left over from the JM30 and a misconception from some early stock images which showed a button on the tail. This was clarified in the review thread to which I linked previously. Regardless, I'm pretty sure you know not to trust the listing descriptions at face value on Gearbest (or Banggood). Else we'd all be running 8000Lm lights on a single 7000mAh cell by now! (Also even if this switch description was accurate as you wanted it would have to say "dual switch location: side-button & tail cap")

Sorry I took the time to be thorough in my previous responses and make it clear on the JM35 differentiations, which thus far have not been clear or consolidated together in the forum. I was genuinely only trying to be helpful to the OP who now seems set on the JM35 and simply wanted him have the highest chances of receiving the very latest revision of the light. Regardless of what store it came from.

Take it easy and keep shining,


I was a bit hasty, but I was referring to these:

I think I have decided on this one, the XHP-50 version…


So, short story, if you want the latest version with dual-switches, buy from Banggood:


$6.89 Shipped for Klarus CH1 - Battery Charger & Power Bank


cheaper at banggood since 18.5.2015
klarus CH1!A

Mate, only one of those posts are anything to do with me and it's on this exact thread.

Sorry have I missed something? I feel like I'm going mad...

As I said, the OP was asking about a specific product in the below comment. Although he linked to Gearbest, I felt that was just to illustrate the product rather that his precise choice in store preference!

The OP specifically asked "And which is the one with the dual switch?". The answer is neither of them. So I pointed him towards what he was asking for. I never said it was cheaper, or the store was any better, only that the Banggood one is a newer edition with the dual-switch that he requested.

Sorry have I missed something? I feel like I'm going mad...

Can you kindly edit your post just above where you for some reason attribute someone else's posts to me (perhaps you're confusing me with M4D M4X?). And I am happy to drop this now. Ta.

I am new to this so sorry for the stupid questions.

1. Is the MT-G2 5000K as efficient as the XHP-50 6000K emitter? If they are comparable, I think I would prefer the more “neutral” MT-G2

2. In this link:

It states to not use protected cells and to not use a single 26650 (you have to use 2x26650). But the specs show that “turbo” mode pulls 3A (6v 3A working voltage) so if I run a pair of these:

Which have an operating voltage of 5A (4A marked on the battery), shouldn’t I be OK as far as not tripping out the protection circuit in turbo mode (one battery reviewer claimed a cutoff at 7.8A)?

3. The length shows to be 130mm which isn’t possible for a 2x26650 light - so I am guessing this length spec is for the single 26650 version?

4. It is dual switch - but the switches don’t have the same function. The tail switch turns it on/off and the side switch changes the mode.

Thanks in advance!

This review just states not to use protected cells:

(a “problem” with the JM35 single cell is a high Amp draw which triggers a lot protected cells…)

And that may account for the Web page’s Note.

I ordered the Banggood JM35 and at the time asked a question whether it would work on single 26650, to which Banggood support answered that it would work. There were no note at that time that it would not work with a single battery on description.
I received the JM35 2 days ago and indeed it does NOT work with a single 26650 and contrary to what is described, there is 3 normal modes (low, medium and high) and 1 strobe mode with double click. There is no turbo mode as far as I am concerned.
In spite of what I said above, it is a nice flashlight and I particularly like the MTG2 neutral tint. Make sure you are not looking for a thrower in the JM35 MTG2, it floods nice and clean.

This model light (Shadow JM35) has always worked in the SINGLE CELL configuration. It was first launched without any extension tube option as a Single cell ONLY version for both MTG2, then XHP-50 options. It uses a boost driver and has been reviewed and discussed extensively here on BLF. (see M4D M4X's review). I think this was one of the main unique selling-points.

I saw no reason why the new revision of the same model (just now has dual-switch and extension tube) should be any different. If it was not capable of operating on a single-cell (always requires two cells), why did they bother with an 'extension-tube', and photograph it in the shortened configuration?...

Bizarrely the listing does now state "Note: Please do not use protective 26650 battery for this flashlight.Can not use 1x 26650 battery."

I had previously assumed that Banggood were just mistaken, until I saw your post above.

Now, if what you're saying is correct, this is just a badly designed light and backwards step compared to the previous JM35 version!


So the latest JM35 XHP-50 version cannot run on one cell? Did they discover a driver defect via returns and complaints to the one-cell driver and changed the driver to a two-cell?

Well that’s a bit disappointing.

There are other manufacturers still making one-cell boost circuits like Fenix PD40 MTG2, Acebeam H10 MTG2, Zebralight SC600 MkIII XHP50, etc.