new C8 led tint

Yup, now I noticed that too! :person_facepalming:
About the 4C I know the tint, as 1 of my S2+ has it! I just mentioned that to put it in perspective for the OP to be aware about “all” the tints :wink:
Thank you!

BTW, here’s an image showing the Convoy C8 7A tint vs. an incandescent maglite.

You can see the color is very close. The incandescent is more pure, as expected (since it’s 100% CRI with no color shift). The 7A Cree XPL-HI LED shows a little bit of color shift in the corona of the beam. Not perfect, but it’s pretty close to an incandescent light. And certainly can go much brighter! The Convoy was set to 10% output; the maglite is fully zoomed, run on four D cell batteries.

Nice comparison.
7A look like a nice color but close to incan probably too yellow for me, i have Convoy C8 XPL HI 3A might try 7A next time just for the sake of curiosity.

Heh, I did the reverse. Bought the 7A first (because I wanted a tint I didn’t already have), and have a 3A on the way for “real use”.

Although I don’t expect my 7A will get much use (perhaps indoors as a nice tail-stand light when watching movies), I don’t regret buying it. I really like the tint, which has a nice retro look to it (minus the ugly donut holes from real incan lights).

Hahah yeah i dont have 7A tint at the moment so that by itself is an excuse to get another light :stuck_out_tongue: : , but i have plenty of Neutral white, so this could be my first LED incan-like tint, i do miss that warm cozy tint.

Definitely get the “A” tints, or “D” tints. They’re both on the magenta side of the neutral line. The “C” and “B” tints are on the green/yellow side of the neutral line.

I just got a 5A light this week, and it’s really nice. 3A is nice too, if you want something cooler (I’ve got a few of them).

I have a lot of 3C/4B/4C tints, and they can be nice, but often look kind of yellow (or worse, green). I don’t really notice it much until I compare them to a similar “A” (or D) tint of the same color temperature.

From what I understand, most flashaholics also prefer tints on the magenta side, and not the green side.

thanks i’ll keep that in mind, i intend to try few as i prefer the magenta/rosy tint i also have XPL HI 4C in Convoy S2+ in the mail i guess i’ll swap it if it turn out to be green.

Yep, that’s what I tell people, too. :smiley:

I got a few 5Ds to play with, can’t find a S2+ pill for sale anywhere, and would rather not gut a working pill, but…

Yep, that’s my 4C S2+. When comparing lights, I look positively jaundiced under a 4C. Just lighting up a 5D in open-air to test, everything looks really nice.

And definitely use with a TIR lens and not reflector, unless you want a serious fried-egg beam.

A and D, A and D, A and D. Memorise that, y’all! :smiley: