New release from Nitecore - E4k - 1 x 21700 - 4400 Lumens

Thanks for that. Great info.

Any test of PD charger on the e4k battery?

I’ll go against the android mafia and say too bad it’s usb-c.

Rather unfortunate that being picky about certain things gets a handy brush under the rug.

I would have to assume, since flashlight makers keep making flashlights ‘similar’ to the hot rods custom flashlight modders/ builders are putting out that they read these forums. If they were not, they would not be making the type of lights that they do. A few flashlight makers actually pay attention to the finer details of some of the things we like, such as emitters without the ‘cree rainbow’, or green tint. And things like shortcuts to lowest and highest modes. And the option to select the color temperature. And a switch that is not easily accidentally activated. And a temperature regulation that actually works properly. These are valid concerns for those who buy flashlights.

For a flashlight maker to constantly pump out flashlights that only address the maximum total brightness and ignore any other desirable
Qualities that we continually Harper about.
It’s ok to be a picky consumer. This is usually what brings us better products in the long run.

I’m not sure why anyone would minimize any of these concerns. (Actually I have an idea why)

Don’t know how long 4400 lumens can last? 2 minutes?

is this one only cool white version??