New WildTrail (former LuckSun) BLF-D80v2 Sale is open.

Thank you for all the information and effort you put into this project, Docc. My “vote” would go for just BLF D80v2 on the light. Just my 2 cent…

Absolutely fine with me. If Jacky feels better with the brand name on the light we could honor his request and show our appreciation.

I have dealt with Sofirn's manuals for quite some time.

  • If LS (or WildTrail) were to put up an ANSI/NEMA FL1 chart with some numbers they measured in their lab, it might be nice to have it in the manual (e.g. modes, lumens, candelas, impact resistance).
  • Some more specifications like reverse polarity protection, weight, dimensions might be worthwhile, too.
  • Please include some advice how to enter the battery (positive end facing towards the head).
  • Please include some advice that the flashlight will warm up significantly during operation on higher modes.
  • Please include some advice to not stare directly into the beam and to not point the flashlight into anyone's eyes.
  • Some troubleshooting and maintenance hints might be worth being included, too.
  • Please enlarge the BISTRO UI chart. It will be hardly readable if printed in this small size.

I'm not sure if there's any need for multi-language manuals. However, I could provide a German translation if required.



WildTrail is better!! :nerd_face:
I almost thought it would be WaleTrail :neutral_face: (sinking deep in flashlights’ ocean :smiley: )

I do agree with Lux-Perpetua about indications to include in the User Manual. It will give the brand mode reliability for those that are not in this “flashlight enthusiat” world! Specially because they will be a “new brand” after all!

Nice work so far :+1:

Thanks Doc, that all makes sense. Wild Trail is infinitely better and I personally would have no problem with that. They could put the BLF D80V2 on the opposite side and make it special but I sure wouldn’t require it.

With above additions to the manual I believe they’d be on the right track. :wink:

WildTrail is boring but not annoying, I’m fine with that :slight_smile:

Couldn’t agree more!

Jacky went to the factory for us to get a few new pics. (Its midnight in Shenzen now and he has to walk ~1h home so big kudos to him for his engagement)
On the left is the SST-40 on the right the XPL-HI (they do not have one single old D80 left to take also a pic to compare)
First shot is ~5m from the wall

Second shot is ~15m from the wall

And here are the first pics of the complete light (it is so nice to finally see the ready light!!!)

And here the no ano version

That looks like a D80 alright! :slight_smile: :+1:

Oooo luuurvly

Dale, I have yet to use A6 firmware in a light, but now I think I have to try it if you like it so much :THUMBS-UP:

As far as the finished lights, they look really good. Better than most of the lights I see. It has some interesting stylization without straying into the tacticool zone. I think I like it even more than the C8+, which I can't help comparing it to because they both are more stylized than other lights without overdoing it.

It's a shame I figured out I don't really like lights in this class, because I'd have to order both.

It looks awesome!

will this light be sold on banggood etc?

Thanks for the beamshots, this light is going to be great. How scratched are the non ano going to be? I was not planning on polishing mine, just letting it stay natural.

WildTrail is right on. That no ano looks killer.

At mortuus
The light will be sold in their Aliexpress shop. Do not think that they will sell it on BG,GB. . .

At cabfrank
I can not tell for sure. But if i check the pics i uploaded a few minutes ago i would say not to much.
But Jacky wanted to tell me that if we make a new light in the future and we again want no ano light, that they will be able to handle them with more care so the surface will be even better. But no ano aluminium is much more soft. So they are much more prone to scratches.

This is a drawing that is shoing the new name on the Head.
Looks not to shabby.

Docc, this light looks like it is going to be so good that I will probably have to get two.

Does their shop take PayPal?

Other than the styling and SST-40 emitter, what are the main reasons to get this over the ubiquitous C8? I’ve only been semi following this so forgive me if it’s been answered already.

At cabfrank
I know that i payed Jacky in the past via PP. But i will ask if they will accept PP to give you a 100% answere.
Next weekend we wanted to talk about the BLF price. Or better how we will do it. So only BLF/TLF member get the lower price.
A good time to talk also about payment options. . . When i know more i will let you know.

Thanks for the continuous updates Docc. Everything looks great