Nitecore EA4 beamshots

welcome to the club… i now how you feel …i bought 12 flashlights already since joining this forum on late november :money_mouth_face:

But look how close you are to Shining Beam.

This is nice, beam shots are perfect. Runs on cheap AA cells too, where can I buy this torch for 60$ ??
I like the location beacon and low voltage indicator.
Does it come with a holster ?
What are the expected run times ?

Thanks flashlight man. There orsm shots. Well worth the effort to get them on here.

I’m glad to see you put some pictures here. That’s a start. Now if I can I will give you some help in making them better so what you see is what you get for the most part and for others to see as well.

Here’s your info on your first picture.

Instead of a 15 sec manual shutter set your shutter speed to 1.3” which equivalates to 1.2 sec. Use a focal of around 4 and I set my ISO to 400. Turn your white balance to fine or the image of the sun. Set your photometry to spot. This should help. Try those settings and that way your pictures won’t be overexposed and more to what you will see in person if viewers were there.

I need to stop comming here!I’ve a soft spot of AA lights and this isn’t helping.I told myself after I got my PA40 I would be done with AA lights.(I already had several two AA lights like the SB Caveman and Spark)Then I had to buy a Fenix TK41 because I had all those new Eneloop AA to use).Now I see beamshots of the EA4 that has already been nagging at me….does this ever end?

Flashlight man. Does the package include four alkaline AA? I saw a German youtube unboxing, and batteries were included. Just curious. I give all my included alkalines away anyways.

No alkalines came with mine. Just holster, lanyard, and an extra o-ring.

OK, I will try to change the settings on my camera. Had a hard time figuring it out so you could even see anything at night. They turned out pretty good for what you can actually see in person. Just a bit brighter I think after looking at them again. Just wanted to get some pictures of this new light out there for all to see.

Sorry for all the questions but I really like what I am seeing with this light and I just want to make sure it’s what I really want… Is there another light you have that compares to this light if so what is it? Thanks

I have in mind to get a 4AA next, restricting my flashlight fetish to AAA & AA nihm only.

No worries ask away!!! I did not really compare it to any other lights last night. I can though this evening. Are there any certain lights you want me to put it against?

This is how I started also. Then I went into all the high powered stuff. Now after getting a good deal on some eneloops I just had to get another AA light. I really like this light for being a 4AA, it hits really hard. I was blow away by it. For the size this thing puts out a lot of throw with great spill. Way more performance than I was expecting!

Do you have a ZL SC600 to compare it to? How does it compare to the TK41? Thank you!!

Yes I do have the SC600, one of my favorites. That is one of the ones I was thinking of comparing it to. I gave my TK41 to my dad, I can see if I can get it back from him for the nite. I will look to see what I have that is in the same price and or performance range.

Ok thanks alot!! :wink:

Can you find the code to share please? Thank you.

The beam shots are impressive. Problem is im not familiar with the exact torch
emitting that nice beam shot. If you can add some basic specs to your thread
and a pic or description of the torch that would be helpful.
Im hoping thats an EDC size light? I know little about small dainty lights but
i need one. Tired of walking around with an X6 or Jetbeam thrower in my pocket,


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