Odd issue with FET+7135 driver

Thanks so much for the links and suggestions! I would not have figured that out on my own. I ended up bypassing the trace on the board that connects the capacitor to the diode, and put a 10 ohm resistor inline with the diode and cap. So far it has been working fine off a full battery! I think I am going to not be using these drivers anymore since I have run into a number of problems with them.

Where to from here though? I have only bought driver kits from mtn electronics. I have a nice copper S2+ that I want to build out with a nice driver and a 2700K SST-20. I’m not going to be using a FET driver in there since that might blow out a single SST-20 so I need a regulated driver; preferably with a nice moon mode. I don’t really want to use a Nanjig 7135 board. I also would like to keep using ToyKeeper’s firmware (I really like Bistro), are there other drivers you could point me to that use Attiny 25 (or 85) that would be a good fit?

Thanks again for your help with that!