Please help P60 Host with R5 or MRV


Its takes standard P60 pills.?

You guys might be using a translator and we are all getting confused. LOL!

XRAYBOY, no problem my friend. The MRV overheats to easily with an XML, P7 or MCE when driven above 2A. Otherwise, it is a good host. The inner threaded pill allows for easy LED depth adjustment in the reflector. I wish it were made of aluminum and not brass.

Zulus, thank you for checking to see if the XML works with that reflector. Im sorry to hear that it does not. I was about to buy one to try out but now I will avoid it. No, it will not accept a P60 pill.

The MRV is my most used XRE 1 x 18650 host. I drive them at 1.75A with UCL lens. Very good range and descent spill for something running the XRE.