PS/2 to USB active converter project (11/23/14) Video Added

Also, you could check around to see if someone has an Atmel Dragon development board, that does parallel programming.

Thanks Bort! This is my first project on a breadboard so I’m pretty excited.

Gotcha, thanks. We do have a lot of 328P’s, so killing one isn’t so much a problem for me. I think my partner and I went through at least 5 chips during our lab sessions.

I think I saw an AVR Dragon somewhere in roboclub, I’ll check it out. Thanks

I’m happy to report that after about 4 hours of soldering and thinking the steps through, it finally works!
Frankly I’m surprised how easy it was to get it working.

Until 3AM this morning I put braiding over the USB cable (which looks really nice), soldered the components on, and tested the setup. I went to sleep without it working, but when I woke up and tried it again, I realized the Data and Clock pins of the PS/2 interface was swapped.

Here’s a photo of the very crude test setup:

The wires out of the PS/2 connector are like that because I’ve been using an Arduino to test out the keyboard. I’ll put the PS/2 to USB converter into my keyboard today because it has a huge front bezel with a lot of room inside.

Here’s a quick video and audio recording of the AT101W.

I use the PE32 editor. Fully configurable, etc. It does cost around $40… There is also a PE64 version. PE32 can trace its origin back to the original IBM DOS PE2 editor. I’ve set up a lot of the keyboard commands on mine to mimic Wordstar from the Apple ][ days…

Here’s what the setup looks like after I added some labels to identify the command keys:

Notepad is also a very good editor…

Love that mechanical key sound…click, click, click, click :slight_smile:

Great Job!