Yea, the plan is to. But I got lots of plans.... You would not believe how many lights I got laying around in pieces... Just posted in your TA thread I placed an order for the 17's and 22's.

Yep, just saw that. Glad to hear it is planned, that will basically complete my goals for those drivers.

One for every size (well that has been suggested so far), both clicky and E-switch, 1 sided or 2. 1 to 3 channels with adjustable regulated power output levels (by adjusting number of 7135’s).

Basically a single hardware setup for any and every light.

It’s just as magical as the underpants gnomes.

Step 1: Collect underpants.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

I use the discussions to learn :sunglasses: Still some things are well over my head like MCU functionality and writing code, but I do see how a lot of it works :wink: I trust the expert’s doing the development to cause a good design, but TF can still mess up the light afterward like Manker did with the A6 and it’s unpredictable build quality. That, and losing the price point or features is all I’m worried about here. I understand enough to know the Q8 should be an outstanding light and a bargain too :+1:


Shameless home garden plug. I call it mega tomato - biggest tomato to ever come out of my garden (no steroids or HGH). Took the pics this evening

Following is in a modded SupFire L5 that I call a V2 - it's the latest MtnE sells here. I really like the V2, because it has a housing mounted switch like an SRK, the switch is easy to operate, like an SRK as well, big driver with lots of room for piggyback'n, nice brass retaining ring for the driver, decent body but they lost the flat gray finish in favor of a more glossy style. It doesn't have the better anodized threads, but threading is very smooth.

I'm running the latest Narsil in it, featuring the quick responsiveness for smooth ramping, double-click to max, and double-click again to an intense 18 Hz strobe. Really like the way ramping and double-clicks work with a switch like the L5 has -- it's much improved over the original SupFire L5's switch, least in my opinion. A stiffer type e-switch, I feel, doesn't match up well with ramping because of the hold times.

Here's the driver stack (called sandwiching), where the stock driver is stripped of parts and used as a contact board:

The RED driver is MtnE's MTN-17DDm (new version) here, but bought bare and custom populated with parts based on what we will use in the BLF Q8 driver: Attiny85 MCU, high powered FET, higher voltage reference resistors to reduce power drain with the light OFF, and other additional/replacement parts.

This was a tricky wiring job to install a 4.7 ohm resistor before the diode. The diode is the little black part standing up on one end under the 4R7 (4.7) resistor:

Ohhh - the SkilHunt H15 featured in the tomato shots is also running Narsil. Again, another light the smooth ramping works great with. Actually I really like the switch on top and side TIR lens with a quality NW tint. Lots of flood power. I'ts my current EDC light, and with the indicator/locator feature under the switch cover.

That be proper prototyping right there.

Only you Tom E. Take your pick whether I’m talking about you tomato or driver. :slight_smile:

Man I need one of these, 14500

Seeing that nearly two pound tomato makes me hungry for a BLT.

Tom sweet pics, looks like a cœur de bœuf tomato, very beautiful and one of the biggest tomato species.

The BLF BLT :smiley:

The Q8 uses 18650 cells. Do you want to be on the interest list?

I have not read all 74 pages- if it’s still possible to get on the list, please add me. Thanks!

Same here, if still possible to get on the list, please add me for one!

Yes sure!
Will be doing the driver parts list update and interest list tonight!

Please add me to the interest list. I would be in for one. Thank you.

add me to the interest list.

Count me in for another one please.

Looks like something i would be down for, would appreciate an add

Apologies for not updatinf the op interested list and driver parts list
Not forgotten it will happen but for to go now so will probably be tonight.

YES found a few minutes!
Interest list updated AND latest partslist for the driver added, right below the Oshpark link to order the Q8 V5.1(2) driverboard!
Those who have the skill to assemble a driver now can go ahead.

If there is a France or EU member wanting to build 1, please let me know. I want one as well but do not have the skills to build them and Oshpark requires a minimum order of 3 boards. Maybe a third EU member wants one to so we can organise something and get to play with this sweet driver and Narsil!