Welcome to BLF!

Heheh yes that is how it goes
And lucky me;

Easy to correct :wink:

I only now realized the SRK doesn`t look like the SRK I had in mind.... which is postive!

So Miller, please put me on the list as well for 1 BLF Q8. Thanks

Chibim - I like the design of the Q8's battery tube much better than the old classic, but still retains most of the look. The true SS bezel, lit waterproof button, tripod mount make it pretty unique, not to mention the internals of a large copper DTP MCPCB, thick shelf, easy driver access, double springs, advanced driver, etc.

I will be getting my batteries for the Q8 tomorrow, just need to top them off with a blob of solder.

LOL... Such excellent salemanship! I have NO NEED for a second one, but just the same I'm going to ask for a second slot. The idea of a tech item carefully built to enthusiast standards is very very appealing.

My first slot is 1194.


. Boy, I sure hope this round #3 light looks good... It's in NY customs now, so maybe tomorrow, definite Friday if not held up.

I know I should probably get two, on general principlesā€¦ Because any time you find something you really like, or anything which is really good and inexpensive, itā€™s a good idea to get more than one before the thing disappears. But I already have a Skyray King, a Blackshadow Terminator, and a Meteor. If I get many more of these soup-can lights, Iā€™ll be having lumen chowder every night of the week.

how inlumunating

She's weakening, TomE; tell us again how sweet it's gonna be.

Oh, Iā€™m already on the list. But I only need one. For me itā€™s more about having a piece of BLF history and less about having a practical item for actual use. I passed the point of ā€œpracticalā€ a long long time ago, and if that was the goal I would just build one instead of waiting for the project to finish. (for that matter, I have an original SRK here waiting to be upgradedā€¦ need to do that soon)

Showed my brother the thread and now he want one too , I am currently at 1104 on the list . Please put me on for one more The Miller. Thx:-)

yeah will update the list later.

Well TK for your ā€œBLF Archive of Cool Lightsā€ you only need 1 :wink:

Round #3 prototype cleared NY customs. It's probably bout 25 miles away at JFK airport think'n, maybe closer on the way.

No longer able to resist. Please put me down for one.

Yep, i have been skipping this thread a lot for that reason. I think its more a supbeam equivalent than original SRK. I agree I like this battery tube much better.

By supbeam you mean SupFire M6? Yes - also looks a lot like many of the new SRK's on the market recently. Here's a 12X gold I bought few months back:

Hi Tom, what model is that golden torch?

Not sure what you are asking, it's just a 12X gold SRK clone -- no model, no manufacturer, fake CREE's, etc.. The eBay seller no longer has it, looks like, but this one looks the same: http://www.ebay.com/itm/30000LM-12-x, little less that what I paid - I paid $25, this is $23 shipped.

Oops, found the listing: http://www.ebay.com/itm/192066976976

Oh I see, I thought that it was a supfire model! Let me ask you does it have a led support shelf?

Good day BLF,

Is it too late to get in on the Q8 group buy? If not, can you please put me down for one (1) Q8.

Thank you, Take care.

- xCentrino a.k.a the lurker :smiley: