First of all let me make it crystal clear I am NOT one that is pushing for, suggesting, or advocating a dual footprint MCPCB.

I simply want/would like to know what the “design difference” is between a single & dual footprint board. That is all.

Some people are saying it would be no problem designing & making a dual footprint board.

Others are saying the exact opposite.

This leaves the mentally challenged, such as myself; confused…. to say the least. :person_facepalming:

Both groups can’t be right…. I don’ think anyway. :open_mouth:

Which group is correct??

Heck… just leave the Q8 out of it.

  • Is it harder to design & make a dual footprint board than a single footprint board??

That is ALL I really want to know. :slight_smile:

They both are correct because the question was not clearly defined.

Is it easy to change the design of the mcpcb to a dual footprint board? Yes

Is it easy for Thorfire to change the mcpcb to a dual footprint board? No

The Miller elaborated on the many reasons it’s not easy for Thorfire to do this.

I think anyone who said it would be easy for Thorfire to switch designs were purely speculating. I would have to defer to The Miller’s answer.

Thanks Jason, that answers what I wanted to know. :+1:

AFAIAC the rest of it is a mute point.

The explanation djozz gave several post back as to why it was a very bad idea to change anything about the MCPCB made perfect sense.
Perfect sense in that it could lead to untold Q8 misery with what TF might come up with. :smiley:

Nobody wants that possibility to be introduced any more than it already is. :wink:

And that is by far the best summary of the situation I’ve read so far! You are clearly enlightened. :slight_smile:

^ This too ^ :wink:


So it’s just down to locating new springs and dealing with board delamination, right?

I’m crossing my fingers both can be addressed soon.

Yes, that is right

Narsil latest version
Manual (4 pages 1 general manual and 3 on par with Narsil)

Pretty close now


Flag these to be elaborated for a “lessons learned” reconsideration, once this is all over.

Now cue the ominous background music.

“What are they doing over there? It’s quiet. TOO quiet ….”

Somewhere out there, a bean-counting cheese-paring businessman is nibbling away at a design specification to make a little more profit on each piece.

You know things have gone a little too far when even Doctor Frankendale thinks it’s dangerous. :smiley:

I finally did some testing, now that I’m back from Asgard and have a working computer again. Not sure how much Tom will have time to change, or how much he wants to change. There don’t seem to be any important firmware issues, but there might be some small things to fix or some small improvements to add.

… and hopefully it won’t turn out like the X6v2, where the units shipped with old firmware. That was unfortunate.

+1, yes it is! Simple, factual, to the point.

Three great words…… :smiley:

Aside — has someone checked how “phosphor bronze” translates?

There’s been so much confusion because copper, brass, and bronze all seem to translate poorly to Chinese.

It would be good for them to know how Djozz’s phosphor springs made in Netherlands were specified — alloy? unique identification numbers?

Googling the term, there’s a wide range of variation:

I’m very pleased that the Q8 has a tripod mount, and I’ll credit myself for being the first to suggest it waaaaay back in post #25! :smiley:

The Noctigon Meteor doesn’t have a tripod mount, so I made one out of a quick-release ‘truss clamp’ used in concert and theater lighting.

This type of mount is rock-solid for attaching the Meteor to a bicycle, ATV, or anything that can have a screw or bolt fitted to it.

I’m hoping the clamp will fit the Q8, too.

Can someone with the latest Q8 prototype share the diameter at the center of the battery tube?

I realize the diameter may change slightly for final production, but the truss clamp works from about 1-7/8” to 2-1/8”.

Can I give measurements in mm? Inches are so strange to me.

Of course! I speak metric as well as imperial. :smiley:

BTW, 1 inch = exactly 25.4 mm.

Ha how tired I am, the caliper has a button to switch so I can give both, tomorrow, the Q8 is next to the bed and I know I just don’t want to bring it from there before I slept a little :wink:

Ah and yeah thanks for giving us a hard time making that tripod hole a part :smiley:
No joking, it is an awesome part, really thanks :wink:

The diameter in the middle of the battery tube, away from the flat bits is 50.0 mm.

You’re very welcome! :smiley: The Q8 will be an awesome work light when paired with a small tripod!

Thanks! :+1: Looks like a good fit for the truss clamp.

For anyone interested, the 2” quick release truss clamps can be found on eBay for about $10 each.

To make two mounts, go with a ‘dual swivel’ clamp like this:

I had one made for my bicycle to mount another BLF Special edition light. One of the Truss vendors on Ali Express made it on order.


