ditto here

Yep, we broke the blf server. Lol. Thread went missing, but is now back. Too many people refreshing and posting I bet.

For all without code
There is a public code at M4DM4X which nearly matches the GB-Price

Ordered mine…can’t believe the great price for such a high quality light.

Thanks to all involved for all of their work,

Ordered at ~310 already sold. Going camping 9/22, hoping the light will arrive by 9/21!

Button top


The link in the PM doesnt work.

This is the correct link:


Are you sure you were looking at the bottom line & not how much the discount was. On my first order I saw the $59.99 & thought “what is going on”. Then I realized I was not looking at the bottom line of $40.
Just a thought…… :slight_smile:

I ordered the first of the two Q8 i’m listed for. Got preorder #674 or so. I’ll let a couple weeks pass see if any early review pops up and order the second one then… Before sept 27.

Not sure i will be in the first batch and am a bit annoyed at seeing the restock date being now october 10 - more then a month away. Damn i was #55 or so on the list!

@The Miller: regarding what to do with the affiliate link income, i don’t think people on the list should get any extra reward since we already get this great deal. I’d rather see that money go into the BLF Projects Development Fund you started at some point? Successful projects feed the fund for more successful projects…

Thanks JasonWW. :+1:

Chibim received a PM with broken long link, probably during all the copy pasting.
The short link works and translates (unfolds) to BLF Q8 4x XP-L 5000LM professionelle Mehrfachbedienung Verfahren super helle LED Sale - Banggood Deutschland sold out-arrival notice-arrival notice??p=IO0117468906201403!A&utm_medium=Martin&utm_content=chendongling&utmid=1950
There is a long tradition of not liking aff links and with the OP down there was no non-aff link posted, very thorough of Chibim to post it, people should always have te choice, apologies, with all the PMs and tumbling of the thread I totally forgot to post the non aff link.

Ordered 1. Thank you guys :heart_eyes:

After seeing some error on this thread & not able to post comment i decided to go to bed. i think u guys (which include myself) crashed this thread & UI just gone back to basic looks. after 5 hours have now placed the order for ONE! but OCT 10th batch will wait i guess.

Thanks everyone for making this happen :smiley:

Why not use the aff link? Lots of hard work and time went into this so give some back by using the aff link i’d say :wink:

No apologies needed, as I understand it the intentions behind the aff link are very noble, and IMHO there should be absolutely no objections in using them… Good job team! :+1:

Ordered. Thanks everyone who made this possible!

I received the PM with the broken link too but I used the aff link to collaborate with noble causes

Just checked my order status and it looks like i just missed the first 500 as well. Bummer, hope the second batch isn’t far behind the first.

BTW I made sure to use the affiliate link in my order. The very least I could do for all the hard work the team has put into this.

No those that have the focus on business only give aff links. For the rest it is customary and like an unspoken rule there always will be an non aff link to choose from. This non aff link was at the beginning of the OP but when the thread crashed the OP also went blank and was empty.
I should have posted a new thread about the crashed thread and put the non aff link in post 1 there.
So yes apologies are in order.