Quick HELP......Thorfire TK15

Thanks L.

I had to read that 5 times to make sense of it.

Convoy S2+….got it.

4C….I like “white” which is in the TK15 and coincidently on the Fenix Tk45. Although I will give up some “white” for a higher CRI. But, it is a flashlight so I will not give up efficiency.

Were does the 4C stand on efficiency and comparison to the Tkk15?

After some headscratching, I finally figured that TIR is a stand alone lens. Ok, I get it, but am I not trading away scratch resistance of those plastic lenses? I’m intrigued by the total move away from reflector/glass.

Wouldn’t an orange peel reflector give me that smoother transition and more spill? I also will not be giving up the glass lenses scratch resistance.

I’m going to hunt down some bean shot comparison. Any links handy?

Aha! The orange peel is interesting ring reflector is a home run.

I guess it’s going to be impossible to put it in the Thorfires or Convoy.

Try this method;

Old Lumens knew what he was doing, king of budget mods.

Or get the TIR’s or even just try some wax paper over the lens to smooth out the beam, it will lose more lumens than the TIR but is removable and you probably have wax paper in stock, so free mod.

Someone suggested that in another thread. I’m going to buy a Convoy S2+ or BLF A6 with orange peel reflector as my next attempt to a “perfect” EDC.

What you suggested is not dangerous, I’m just hesitant to do any emitter swapping or mods that may have any potential of making it dangerous. After all, it’s the epitome of stupid to burn down a 70K car with a 10 buck flashlight. And of course the insurance company saying…….no claim.