Review: Ganzo G704, an Apple among knives. (Photo heavy)

You don’t necessarily need a compound but bear in mind it does most of the work. With some compounds you can even use paper or wood as a stropping substrate instead of leather.

As with sharpening using hard flat materials, stropping requires some practice and if you press too hard you can dull the edge instead of make it sharper.

If you’re using a proper (expensive) leather strop then a purpose made stropping compound would be best.
If, like me, you’re using an old leather belt then I use an abrasive metal cleaner, Solvol Autosol, Peek, Brasso, any of the tube or liquid cleaner/polishes, they’re like stropping compound but sloppier. Just a little at first, with leather you can always put a bit more on but it’s difficult to remove. Don’t worry if is dries out it’s still abrasive.
Even corrugated cardboard can be used, it’s abrasive as well, but use it dry.

this is a nice knife, is there anything like this knife with partially serrated blade? love the look and the axis lock.

A partially serrated blade knife near to the ganzo g704… Perhaps the enlan el01 partially serrated, gray or black but with liner lock.
Mmm the ganzo g715 too…

Has anyone done an Emerson wave mod on a 704? The thumb rise is similar to an EL-01 and the clip position would place the wave correctly.