Samsung high tech 21700 48X 4800mah and 50G 5000mah battery

Thank you.

Any differences between Rev1(gray) and Rev2(Green) Cells of 48X/50G models? In discharge curves? and Internal Resistance?

P.S.: I have INR21700-48G2 (Rev2) in same green wrap color, they are more powerful and have best IR than original grey wrapped INR21700-48G (M5-1 marked on 3rd line)

Same batch as celle on this picture:

Tested, same performance

so 50G and 48X are just slightly better versions of 50E and 48G, right? if so, then 50G would also be perfectly adequate to be used in k1? assuming not sbt emitter

Yeah,i think it is

And higher cycle life

More technically difficult :slight_smile: