Say "Hi" to a new 1 month sponsor -

DX has this brand... You can get an idea of the prices... Dont know if they are sold elsewhere or cheaper elsewhere...





I must say, their website is very informative and filled with lots of good photos. They even include links when their flashlights have been reviewed. Very good site!

I really like the Defier X1 and X3. Too bad their out of my price range

Nice lights hope they can do a special price for us.

Ads? We have ads here? Damn, I've gotten so used to my AdBlock browser plugin I forgot what they looked like. Had to stop it in order to see the add. Nice banner, actually. Maybe I'll have to leave it off for a while and go check out their site. A warm welcome to Skilhunt!

Ha! Now I understand why I'm sitting here thinking "what ads?". I too have an ad-blocker running and it's been setup and forgotten about. Oh well, guess it works!



if you need a BLF reviewer of your AAA lights, please let me know, i could do it. if i find your product to be outstanding and i really like it, then you can be sure to get an extensive and enthusiastic review, no prob. i am known for subjective reviews and i certainly prefer/enjoy/like my style, thanks!

Skilhunt has some really nice designs going there. I'm going to have to put an X3 or X2 on my list.

I'm glad CNQ carries them because I won't be ordering from DX any more...

Cant open their page either.

Skilhunt, thank you for sponsoring the forum. Tried viewing your sight and Firefox keeps timing out b/c your website isn't responding. Looking forward to checking them all out when the website is back up.

Welcome to BLF SKILHUNT!

You seem to have great lights! Please consider sending at least some of them to any of our respected reviewers, so we could read trustworthy reviews and start buying them.. :)

Edit: Actually I wouldn't mind getting DT-20 for review. Please?

Another one who's going to have to stop his ad blocker and take a look.

Again - thanks guys.

And thanks to Mr. Admin for keeping this place going so well.

Aloha and welcome to BLF Skilhunt!

The link doesn't work for me. Site must be down.

Good to have you here Skilhunt.

Any buyers can tell me about purchasing experience with these guys ?

Thanks Skilhunt!

I can’t seem to see their banner either. I even tried a copy of IE8 with no popups blocked or anything.

I looked at the site, and I like the looks of the Rambler with the magnetic tailstand. Can’t figure out where to buy or how much they are. When I click on “find a dealer”, all I get is a link to a skilhunt site in the Ukraine.

I really appreciate Skilhunt’s advertising, but it seems to me that maybe their site isn’t quite ready for the traffic that ads should generate.

Considering it was 5 months ago that they bought the ads you shouldn't be able to see it. :P

Welcome back, Don!