(Serious) Why do so many cheap lights have unavoidable strobe modes?

It’s mostly the combination of blinky modes and the dreaded “next memory mode” that makes a light a piece of s*.

Is there a way to remove blinies from a driver? Idk how it works but if it’s programed or a chip can’t we remove the chip or reprogram the driver?

because strobe mode can lighten up the party :partying_face:

Depend on the driver
Basically, we can
Some cheap chinese light have horrible pwm frequency, and some people have reprogramed the driver for new mode and bumping the frequency

I always thought a waterproof laser pointer would be worth it’s weight in gold in many survival situations. Stuck on a mountainside….lost in the wilderness….lost at sea etc. I actually carry a laser pointer with me when going out to sea or to remote areas. Imagine you’re up on a snow covered mountain alone with a broken leg and your car is miles away…but you can see vehicle traffic or a town about 5 miles away…

I don’t want strobe.
I don’t need strobe.
I hate strobe.
Strobe is stupid.

“Oh my God! Paula is having an epileptic fit! Somebody call 911!”
