Social distancing headlight strobe invention......

Notta -

A forward flash won’t work for those people who sneak up from behind… I think you need to use a 360 COB.

Definite wack job.


Great suggestion!. If this takes off you all can say……

“He was a pioneer in fighting Covid-19 through his talking headlight UV strobe invention. He’s a billionaire now. We just hope this Elon Musk of Budget Flashlights doesn’t forget us.”

I won’t forget you guyz.

Flash on you crazy diamonds.


Ps. If ya think wearing a UV strobing speakered headlight in public sounds goofy in comparison to this I’m Oscar Del La Renta.

I think you should talk to Doc Brown about your strobe idea. He might have a power source for it. If you ask nicely, he may even lend you a giant amplified speaker to experiment with.

there has to be a feedback device on that build, lol a stun gun, or a shock collar in case the wearer himself gets into someone’s space, lol

You don’t need a gps and multiple locale-appropriate voice warnings. Just make it play REO Speedwagon. Repels humans worldwide, and probably kills COVID-19.

Gads. REO. If there ever was a Musical Emetic that band had the essential ingredients.

How about a nice sturdy broom stick . Less then 5 bucks at Home Depot . Just whack anyone that comes within reach .

Low tech and inexpensive

I’ll PM you my address for my royalties.

Username checks out.

When does preorder start?!

That one, if you hit epileptic person with strobe (may be bystander) and she/he has an attack then you have you trouble and possible lawsuit

I’m thinking a similar device but it stabs people with a double edged blade via a arm actuated by powerful stepper motors. 3 armed blades cover my 9, 6 and 3 o clock positions. People at my 12 o clock position gets manually stabbed when in reach.

Just kidding, double edge blades are illegal in most states. I’ll keep it single edge and under 2” for CA people.

I think where you’re going here is overkill where just simple kill should be sufficient.

Just sayin…a Tarantula(with a mini headlamp on it’s head) mounted on a stick, would probably be a pretty effective deterent!

I think I would have to have inherent reasonable knowledge that the person was an epileptic expressly sensitive to the particular frequency of the strobe. Intentional assault proven. Else everyone with a strobing flashlight would be liable or a bicyclist with a flashing rear red light too.

IDK, sounds legally implausible. Any attorney’s here? :student: