Sofirn C8 with Triple XP-G2 - anyone?

I received mine today.
Not with XP-G2 but with XP-G3
Not a problem, because I had the 3 219C from KD already laying around for a week or so.

I had to file down the 16mm boards quite a bit before they fit inside the light, but now it works and it’s just beautiful.
I didn’t use the original driver because the UI is a bit weird to me.

At the moment, the light isn’t available anymore, which I find really sad, because this is a good entry-light.
It’s brighter than a normal C8 and has a bigger hotspot and doesn’t need to be modded - all springs are bypassed, there is enough thermal compound under the MCPCB and the driver seems to be decent.

I just always associated triples and quads with “flood” anyway, so that (lack of throw) never really bothered me.

Perfect lights for just lighting up the ground in front of you, for grubbling around in dark cabinets, in attics and basements, etc.

For throw, I’ll reach for a reflector-light anyway.

I was told they plan to release fixed version with copper mcpcb and different LED. I guess that’s the reason for removing it from sale.