Sofirn SP33 26650 e-switch flashlight

No one has recieved it yet.

My SP33, ordered 10/24/2018 is still stuck in Guangzhou, China. According to Sofirn's CS the parcel left China on 11/01/2018. Well, this looks a bit long for not having any updates yet, especially when using e-Packet registered air mail. But I try to be patient (as usual). :-D

My SP33 arrived. Manual needs updating. Seems quite a cool tint.

Have you used it yet. How’s the beam?

Recently purchased SP33 seems to have a faulty indicator light, with charged battery, indicator light will shine orange occasionally, when it should be green. When I remove battery and reinsert the indicator light returns to green. Could this be a problem with the battery type or a faulty light?

Maybe a connection issue. Does your battery compress both springs? Are the contacts on the spring and battery nice and clean? I would also clean the contacts on the battery tube and and tail cap where they touch.

Unrelated to the indicator, I would also bypass both springs to reduce voltage loss. Boost drivers are sensitive to voltage loss.

I recently translated the manual of Sofirn's new SP33, so chances are good that they will ship the XHP50.2 version with an updated manual soon.

Looking to try out the SP33 some time… maybe you have an updated manual (PDF?) of the SP33 that can be shared here?

I do have the updated SP33 manual here. I will ask Tracy or Sherry (Sofirn) if they agree to have the manual shared by me or even better - if they can provide the updated manual.

Meanwhile Tracy (Sofirn) replied to me. She agreed to let me share the SP33 (XHP50.2) manual for Sofirn cannot host the file anywhere to make it publicly accessible.

So, please feel free to open/download it from my Google Drive:

Sofirn Sharepoint - Public

I try to host the German translation as well later on.

Supplemental: I just discovered a minor mistake concerning the runtimes of 18650/26650 batteries at 1000lm in the manual. Probably they just mixed up those values accidentally. I'll inform Sofirn about it.

Thank you! But why do I get russian messages when clicking your link?

Russian messages?! Sorry, I am not aware of it. If I click this link, my shared folder of Google Drive just pops up and I can open/download the file. Not a single Russian message anywhere. Please check your internet connection. Maybe you are using a Russian IP address (VPN connection or a different DNS)?

It downloaded fine for me.

I do see a spelling mistake under Low Voltage Protection. It says autocraticlly instead of automatically.

From OFF, 4x fast clicks active activates lock-out; 4x fast clicks again cancel cancels lock-out.

I guess it’s okay that it says Working Voltage: 2.8V-4.3V. Usually the battery never exceeds 4.2v. So 4.3v is a bit strange to see.

Thank you JasonWW. I am aware of these typos and I rectified them in my German translation. What you got here is the original file from Sofirn, unchanged. I asked Sofirn about the 4.3V as it also appeared a bit unusual to me. However, they responded that 4.3V is correct and should be left unchanged in the manual.

Nope. Wireless in Germany. It seems that the Google-Drive Messages were russian, I don’t know why…

BTW: There’s an error on running time at High:
I really don’t believe that runtime with 18650 is higher than with 26650… :wink:

He pointed that out in the original post.

Ups, sorry. Didn’t remember that. :person_facepalming: :blush:

Cleaned all contacts, good spring compression, battery indicator still will blink orange occasionally on the protected battery I am using, have changed to an unprotected battery, up to this point battery indicator light has shown proper green light, might it have to do with the battery type with protected circuits.? No expert but would like to understand if this might be a battery type problem.

Under what conditions does the battery indicator blink Orange? Is it only when you turn on Turbo (could be voltage sag) or does it also do that when you turn on low or medium?