SOLD [WTS] Fenix TK75 V54 - US SOLD

That’s fast. :person_facepalming:


Nah, i wish to see more discussion before it’s sold. :beer:

The light arrives tomorrow. Batteries are ready.
My 2nd K70 arrives as well.

The TK75VN arrived.
Very nice. And my first flooder.
It’s in good hands :wink:

Thanks j0sh!

Shouldn’t be a flooder, the TK75 is one of those big head triple emitter lights that throws surprisingly well for a multi-emitter set-up.

Oh, OK. I didn’t research the darn thing, I just bought it. I tried going to Vinh’s place for some reading material to get edumikated, and this particular emitter was not listed.
Everything I had prior to purchasing the TK75 was single emitter. So, I’m walking in new territory. It’s one heck of a nice light. It’s well balanced and feels real good in the hand.
And this is my first Fenix light. They make a nice product.

Congrats AR. Its a good light… you know you are getting an authentic fenix brand and modded by v54. They used to call this light a killer throw version… tested number are 3400 lumen and 341,000 k lux. I may be wrong on the specs.

That’s what I was looking for, Newlumen, the specs. Vinh’s “born on” card is there, and the “I’m not liable” leaflet, but no specs to really know what was done.
Thanks for the reply!

I’m a little confused. You bought ncr18650ga-b? Sanyo released a ncr18650GB cell? Or you mean the old Panasonic ncr b

Protected and un-protected button tops. Middle top and directly below.

By the way, these batteries were not purchased with the intentions of using them in the TK75.