Strobe only flashlight mod

radb, your picture link doesn’t work yet (flush your cache, or use a different browser).
It likely appears for you but not for others.

You linked to a thumbnail with an extremely long file name (I hilighted your post and clicked “view source” in my browser to see the link, but it doesn’t open to an image)

Lets see if that worked.

hank, radb picture links worked for a little while (just a little).

I really don't know exactly what that “Dropbox” is all about but, as with many other shites and their file sharing policies, seems to me it is a PoS. Period.

There are plenty of sites you can host pictures and get direct links to them; after all, there is no need for that much relative storage in such a respect in this age of cheap multiple Terabyte hard drives.

Cheers ^:)

Dropbox is a download site (and a bit risky if you’re not entirely sure what you’re going to be downloading from it).

Try one of the free photo sharing sites, LMGTFY:

Well, there is more to that actually. I like to use a popular meme hosting site, it allows me to easily label my pictures with ease, too. Pretty neat. :-)

Cheers ^:)

Thank you Khas. How did you work that out?

Well, my guess is khas downloaded the picture from Dropbox and then uploaded it to an image hosting site of his liking. I've tried it myself too by hold-on tapping on it and selecting to open/download it. I got an “unspecified” file of 262'32 KiB: 268618 bytes. Worked like a charm after renaming the file to add an “.jpg” extension to it; 960 × 1280 pixels. ;-)

Cheers ^:)

Yep, the image khas reposted is coming from: