Suggest a go to 18650 flashlight for me

The A6 is better compared to the S2 or S2+, after all it’s a tube light. The M1 is a “P60 host”, with a wider head and larger reflector that gives it better throw than a tube light, be it OP or SMO.

A better comparison for the M1 would be, as I mentioned before, the X6.

(Also you can get the M1 with other firmwares, like mine has Biscotti.)

I have a blf A6 driver in my M1 :slight_smile:

Convoy M1 host, blf x5/x6 driver and XPL diode.
Best combination.
Other option is BLF X6 or Astrolux S2. There is promotion for 23 dolaras. Personally X6 is not comfort for my hand. Convoy M1 fits better. Also you can buy diffuser for M1.

For more throw in a compact tube light, an S2+ with an XP-L HI is a good choice. Get one with the Biscotti driver.

You may have to order directly from, because while some retailers, like Banggood, have the XPL-HI version, they still hobble it with the old 2-group 3/5 mode driver (also called 8-mode, by some).

The A6 isn’t bad, but the problem with the switch timing when it gets heated up annoys me to no end.

Some other affordable options:

Sofirn SP31 v2: Tube light, dual switch, XP-L HI.
Sofirn SF36 tail-switch, ~25mm reflector (bigger than a typical 18650 tube light, smaller than an x6).

Hey, everyone suggesting custom lights, OP says he can’t fix his existing go-to-light.

DIY suggestions are out of place, or are you offering to build it for him?

XP-L HI on an S2 would be amazing, in a slightly longer package. Put that deep reflector to work!

(Also my suggestion can come like that straight outta the store by PMing Simon before finishing the purchase.)

I wound up ordering an A6. I would still love to send off my Eagle Eye X6-se BLF limited edition to someone if they would be willing to diagnose and repair it for me like I said I could cover the cost of parts and return shipping. The thing is that I have yet to teach myself how to solder so that is why I have not delved into DIY projects.

Nice. I’ve now got three A6, one each tint. Which tint did u get?

I got the 1A

Whereabouts are you in the Republic of Cascadia?

Seattle area.