Sunwayman C23C - check your PM for coupon code

If anyone is interested, we need 20 members to get very good price :wink:

I am interested in one with the natural finish.

I like the MH20 as it has instant access to both moonlight and turbo and also comes with a neutral while emitter. I don’t believe that either new light will have these features.



I’m curious to see how the C23C asserted itself in comparison with the MH20.

Sirius9, please put me on the C23C-list for 2x black and 2x silver. Thank you.

Sure thing :wink:

Please pm me details...some coworkers may be interested

Ill take a silver one !


I’m counting 7 so far, 13 to go. People this is an awesome price, much better than other group buys. PM Sirius9 for the price.

Sirius9, I’m still in for one silver.

In for one silver.

I’m in for one silver.

Please put me down for a silver one.


That’s nice, I can understand now how some of you literally have 100’s of lights!

PM details please. thanks

I added a table to keep track who chose what, if you want one, please let me know which one is it, silver or black, because first batch is limited to 15+15 pcs.
I will answer all PM’s soon, please be patient I am typing with one hand :bigsmile:


I’m in for one silver.

Someone already ordered silver and two black flashlights through website at regular price so i subtracted this from the list. :expressionless:

Where can I read up on the ui? I need to know if it’s a single click to turn on and off.
And to change modes, is it hold switch and it will cycle modes?