Tear down of a better quality MR16 LED

So looking about 80% efficient at 14.4V?

I checked out the 90W light on clearance on the way home. In the package, in the store, it appears that it probably also has XT-E's, but only 7 emitters. Also, no CRI is listed. I'm guessing the 90W model uses higher binned emitters that have lower CRI and that the model also drives the emitter harder (has much more heat sinking). I prefer higher CRI and will start playing with the emitters in this light (subject of this thread).

I think it is just a little higher than that, maybe 82-83%. There is the loss across the meter and it’s leads.
Here is a pic of the 325 lumen E27 bulb. I picked up 2 because we ACTUALLY needed them. The lens is very similar to the one in the OP.
This bulb was $5, when you compare that to the crap we were buying for $3, well it just make me want to cry. These are Nichia 219’s

Nice. Does the package specify a CRI?

No CRI on the package. It does state that it is bright white, so I would think it is not high CRI.

Those look like 219A’s right? I need to go check if my HD has those!

Yes they definitely look like them. Remember, pay no attention to the display price, it’s what they ring up for that’s important.

At Home Depot.
It took me three trips out the store to carry them all! :bigsmile:

Many other LED’s range up at a penny also, I am on my way to the eye doctor and guess what?
There is another HD right next door. :slight_smile:

Awesome. Heading there after work. Thanks for the awesome deal alert dchomak!

What happened to all your photos?

Like it says, look who’s popular (a pic heavy post caused me to go over my 10G/month download limit) They will come back on the 18th.

I was able to get 5 different kinds of bulbs at .01 each. Got 21 of the one in this thread!
Got some big spotlights too.

None whatsoever at my local store! Ugh!


You scored big time dchomak!

Similar to Garry, but worse for me. I went in and only found 4. My dumb ass went to the check out line because I had some other stuff that wasn't marked and wanted to know the price first. I've used human checkout before without issue, but now realize it can be problematic at times. The first bulb (different than the ones you have shown us) rang up over $18. I said no thank you. She said it was originally $21.xx and asked if I was sure I didn't want it. Same thing happened with a thermos. The lady then swiped the bulb, saw the price and said we can't sell that to you for a penny. I told her it was on the internet for that price and she called over what I assumed was a manager. That person agreed with her. I told her the same thing and she just walked off and told the sales lady to call electronics. Sales lady paged electronics about 5 times. Eventually she got a call back and she said the same thing, "I got a customer with 4 bulbs that ring up for 1 cent. We can't sell it at that price, right?". She thanked the person, hung up, and told me they can't sell the bulbs to me. I didn't have any more time, thanked her for checking and left.

Morale of the story: Don't be a dumb ass like me. Use the self check out registers.

Well, that won’t happen again. :wink: I feel really bad for you.

As I said I had an eye doctors appointment after the first score. It was at Costco, got an eye exam and picked out new frames and lenses. I chose the same exact frames that I got 2 years before. When the guy rang me up he looked at the price and then the record from 2 years before and said “wow, this time it is just 1 penny more”. I looked him straight in the eye and said “just a penny huh?” :slight_smile:

From there I went next door to the second HD of the day. I thoroughly searched the whole store, but could only find 3 GU-10 bulbs. I went through the self checkout and they rang up at a penny each. This time the self checkout helper came over to me exclaiming that wow, they were only a penny each. I told her they were on clearance because of the weird plug on them. She made a face and said she never saw one like that before.
I left with my prize, and on the way back to my van in the parking lot, I looked down and picked up a penny. I couldn’t help but just smile. :slight_smile:

Picked up a drill pack from the recycle bin at each HD too.

I bet if you got a different cashier you would have been fine, i bought 10 bulbs for 4 cents each at home depot last week, the cashier that i was very smart using a $5 coupon on a $4.46 item and having the bulb and almost all the tax covered by the coupon.

I think that you can do price checks at the self-checkout ImA4Wheelr, just FYI. IIRC there’s a button for it when you start.

Yes, that is what I do before I am ready to checkout. As a matter of fact, on one of the 3 trips out of the first HD, I made a mistake and grabbed an LED spot light that rang up at $27.06! As I was in the middle of self checking, I just kept on ringing. I knew I could return that one later.

While I was at the returns desk on the second HD to return that $27 LED I found another brand new 18V NiCad pack for Black and Decker. I will post into Bort’s thread on his NiCad pack about what I find out about it.

Yeah, I agree Bort. Never had this happen before. Congrats on the score. Or, like double score.

dcho, love that line about the weird plug. Genius.

I'm going to go lick my wounds. Then plan a route by another HD tomorrow. :)

Nice tip wight. I'll definitely do that next time.

I was just looking at my receipts from today and a 60W Halogen that I bought “for filler” wasn’t marked down to $1.33 like I thought. It too was a penny! LOL


Yeah, you can’t go through the self checkout line with nothing but penny stuff :slight_smile: I salt my stash with some stuff I need at ordinary clearance prices so as not to draw undue attention. For example, in each of my 3 trips to the first HD, I bought a “Homer” bucket.