Thank-you Mr. Administrator ...."The big Sipik 68 Raffle" ..or.. how to get free stuff in the mail ...

SB, thanks for being one of the first members to welcome me. I didn't have a flashlight obsession until I joined. I appreciate all the knowledge freely given by all the members along with the friendly atmosphere that we all enjoy here. This is a fun place to hang out! Congrats on creating such a winner.

Thanks for making this forum run so smoothly. I'd also like to thank everyone for making this a great place not only to enjoy a great hobby, but also to have a few many laughs.

....and big Hoorahs for Admin SB.

And a thanks from me too, SB. Heck of a job you've done fixing up the place

BudgetLigtForum - "All the Flashlighty Goodness, without all that Armpitty Smell!"

Thank You!!! Mr Admin for creating such a welcoming and friendly place. I have learned more here than any other.

Thank you Mr.Admin. BLF is such a wonderful place.


A big thank from me as well :D And for the rest of BLF members a big thank too, without our collaboration, this wouldn't be possible ;)

yay we love the admin. maybe someone with over 4000 posts will get moderator privleges once we have a couple hundred more members :-)

I want to thanks not only Mr Admin, but every single user from here that makes this a better place. I like to be in a forum with friendly people from all around the world, the only bad point is that I wish I can go with you for a beer, but well.. thats impossible.

Mr admin, a warm thank you for making such a nice place BLF turned out to be!

Many thanks from me also.

It's a nice place to hang out and get my torch fix.



Did Boaz just propose to Mr. Admin?

Just joking Boaz.

Anyway, thanks for creating BLF Mr. Admin because without BLF we wouldn't have met all these cool people who have--over time-- become our friends.

Thanks SB for the best forum I have ever seen on the web!

I'm not a forum type person but You and the atmosphere you have created with BLF and all it's members make this the Great Place BLF Is!!!

As jacktheclipper stated oh so simply


We all here truly appreciate you and BLF!!

Thank you mr admin for creating this place!

I really enjoy my time here. Such a great place! :)

(my girlfriend would probably disagree, but women... could never understand them)

Thanks is such a small word. As one of the first to join I have seen what BLF

has become in such a short time, and it speaks for itself more than a million thanks,

and shows what a spendid idea Mr Admin got.

A big thank you from sunny Spain.

Thank you for a forum with a realistic budget and full of people who have a much more realistic slant on flashlights. I've only been here a couple of months but its now my 'home' .

Other sites pale in comparison or loose their site database (arf!)

Thanks again :)

Once again, my sincerest thanks to all our users! And I owe a personal "thank you" to every one of you who has posted in this thread. I am thrilled to know that you find the forum enjoyable and informative. I know I do, in fact I have probably learned more here than I have contributed. :)

I agree that the atmosphere here is really nice. And for that we really have to thank all of you, the users. A forum without users is like a flashlight without batteries. My personal time is limited to a brief time period in the morning and the evening, and brief time periods when I happen to be at my computer during the day. But thanks to our worldwide membership, there's almost always a knowledgeable, friendly user online to respond quickly to any question in an amiable manner. So you guys are really the ones to be congratulated.

Thanks for making my day with this post!

Thanks SB for creating an informative and friendly site. I would use a I LOVE BLF :love: emotion but there isn't one. lol I think we need another BLF light to celebrate! :party:

I do love it here, thanks so much!!