The more "family-friendly" vasectomy thread

That’s a good one Dale!! :smiley:

We have two daughters. The youngest is pretty, down to earth. A very cool kid. The oldest is drop dead gorgeous, god bless that child. 5’1 blonde hair, green eyes… weight about 105 lbs. Without a brain in her head. She’s the one the mechanic called me at home about. Begging that I would please explain to the child. That free oil changes did not come for the life of the tires. True Story.

Now thats funny!

Maybe I'm missing something but 22-15 (age-time together) is 7. So were you seeing someone when you were 7? ;)

I think you want to add them not subtract them…. :wink:

Oh, now i get it.

LOL that’s funny! :bigsmile:

NightCrawl wrote:

“Did you guys freeze some sperm? I mean, its a pretty final decision…”

— Freezing sperm is a good idea… that way you are more likely to have “cool” kids! LOL —KartRacer31

Freeze them to get a cool son and what do you do to get a hot daughter? :P

Good question! 8)

… that a hot daughter is every father’s nightmare.

So microwave your stored sperm. Problem solved.

LOL - yes that will terminate that problem :slight_smile:

I’m Canadian, frozen is the only kind we have! Haven’t you ever noticed how we kind of rattle when we walk?

I had a vasectomy after my two daughters were born a couple of years apart. I separated from my wife a couple of years later. Fast forward a decade or so and wife number three’s biological clock starts ticking very loudly. So I get a reversal (expensive and painful). Couple of years after that, we embark upon IVF. VERRRRY expensive and, sadly, fruitless. But…… The year after that, we strike lucky with daughter number three (for me) and then 18 months later, my son arrives. I’m calling it a day at four kids. I’m 50 and tired. But I have lovely bairns, the oldest celebrating her 20th birthday in Philly today (she is studying over in the States), then 17,3 and the wee fella is 21 months. Hard work, but they’re all such blessings. Don’t rush into a vasectomy because it is a life altering operation which deserves a bit of thought.

There is a DIY vasectomy method of placing the “parts” between 2 bricks and banging them together….
Just don’t get your fingers caught because that could hurt…

Actually I think my wife’s going to do this to me if I buy another flashlight!


I had my Prostate reamered when I was 53. Swollen couldn’t pee.
Was 4 days out at sea in Yacht when it happened. VERY painful by time I reached a beach
(Single Hander sailor)
Hospital. Cathater etc.
Operation following week after tests. and a week of tubes hanging out of you know where.
No Cancer. Just swollen.
They go in through end of old fella and side of discharge tube.

After that ALL little worms get turned back into bladder.
Permanent Vasectomy.
Feels real weird.
Go for it, and at end all you get is a feeling and mmmmm??.
Different. But ladies love it.
NO mess everywhere. But head is a bit of a non event.

Like I said. Alternatives. Though at 77 it don’t really matter, does it.
Most females are well slowed down by then I find.

OH. This way it’s FREE TOO.

Now that’s an old post, didn’t see such a thread for a long time :-o
That said, and to add my little contribution :
In France, vasectomy is not popular at all… about 4000 operations/year in a 60+ million people country.
Me and the wifey are thinking about since we got our first child, but we always said that we wanted 2 children. Now the first is 2 years old, second one is baking and I strongly consider the operation.
I think I’ll do it in 2020, to lighten the burden of contraception that my wife endured for years. I mean, contraceptive pills are shit that gives our wives, our mothers, our daughters cancer, pollutes our water and so on… while men can simply get cut and call it a day.
Now my wife could also have her tubes cut, but she’s done so much for us, giving birth is not a walk in the park ! It’s my time to get involved.
Here is the moment someone ask : will you get your sperm frozen ? Well I still don’t know, we discuss this every few days. On one hand, I don’t want to take the risk of saying in a dozen years “you know what we need ? A third child ! Yay, let’s spend our entire life taking care of children instead of enjoying calm, travels, bonding together… Naw, don’t want that…
On the other hand, you don’t know what tomorrow will be. Congenital disease ? Well scientists can now find a way to heal you with your stem cell so sperm could be useful…

I love my child, I love being a dad and can’t wait to see my second one come to life… But I also love having free time, motorcycle, travels, and most of all having my wife just for me :blush:

Had an open ended technique (the upstream tube is untied) vasectomy a few years ago after 3 kids at 39yrs, and very happy. The open ended technique has a lower risk of ongoing pain, and I think I made the right choice.