ThorFire Official Deals- Save 45% on 500 Lumen TG06S flashlight($9.89), 6th Dec 2018 Updated

Save 50% on ThorFire TK15S XPL2 1050 Lumen Momentary-on Flashlight
Original Price: $23.6
Deal Price: $ 13.99
No Coupon Code Needed. Quantity Limited!!!

Purchase link:

Tempting, tempting… love forward-clickies!

I gotta confess, though, that last pic, upper-right corner…

What a creepy-looking kid. It’s like he just murdered his family while they slept, and is using the light looking to finish off the family cat.

Gaaah! :open_mouth:

Dad buried him in the Pet Cemetery and he’s returned to get some pay-back.

Dunno if the TK15 is what some people were grexing about (LED never fully turns off, etc.), but I got 2 today, and they’re perfect.

Modes seem to be a little bit bunched up towards the high end, but still quite nice. “Moonlight” (press’n’hold from off) is also a bit bright, like regular low. But everything checks out quite nicely.

Nice CT/tint, too. Nothing horrible in the beam, even though I just played with ’em for like 30sec each at work, shining under the desk. :smiley:

Only complaint is that thread-lube is… scarce. Seems like someone just dabbed a little bit around the O-ring, and the caps kinda grrrrrrinded on most of the way, then smoothed out.

Will scrub’n’lube the threads tonight, should be fine.

But hey, 10bux? Still absolutely can’t go wrong with them. Great value…

I got 2 today also, but have not had time to look at them yet.

Played around some more, perfect. No glitches except for the kinda dry threads (but still didn’t scrub’n’lube them yet).

Nice and lightweight, gotta say. With no cell inside, it practically floats in midair. :smiley:

Definitely won’t feel like carrying a brick in your pocket, so that’s good.

Threads seem ok on both of mine. Anodizing is a little messed up near the button on one of them, but other than that, everything is just fine.

Save 30% on ThorFire VG15S 1070 Lumen XML2 Led Flashlight

Original Price: $ 21.5

Deal Price: $ 15.05

30% off Coupon Code: FT77N74Q

Amazon Purchase Link:

Save 30% on ThorFire TK18 1200 Lumen Ramping Flashlight

Original Price: $28.69

Deal Price: $20.08

30% off Coupon Code: TTI5OSLE

Amazon Purchase Link:

Any discount on S70S Aliexpress ?

I could always use another BLF Q8 as well. Need a C8 for a friend too. Really like them Thorfire’s.

Save 30% on ThorFire TK18 1200 Lumen Ramping Flashlight with 18650 battery and charger

Original Price: $38.5

Deal Price: $26.95

30% off Coupon Code: D4TCRM4C

Amazon Purchase Link:

Save 40% on ThorFire PF04 210 Lumen Pen Light (Silver/Red)

Original Price: $16.8

Deal Price: $10.08

40% off Coupon Code: H7SX7C8R
(Code Valid Date: 05/23/20185:00 AM PDT)

Amazon Purchase Link:

Thank you Thorfire. Just ordered a silver and a red one. Along with some Eneloops.

Received my order of six silver ThorFire PF04 210 Lumen Pen Lights today. Thanks! One goes in my first aid kit (pictured below), my wife gets one for EDC, and the rest will probably be gifted. Energizer Ultimate Lithium AAA batteries work well in this pen light.

Any coupon codes available for the blf q8?

BLF Q8 Led Flashlight 25% OFF

Original Price: $72.8

Deal Price: $54.6

25% off Coupon Code: U7PPHY2C

Amazon Purchase Link:

1, BLF Q8 Led Flashlight 30% OFF

Original Price: $72.8

Deal Price: $50.96

30% off Coupon Code: F3TRXOCI

Amazon Purchase Link:

ThorFire VG10S flashlight 40% OFF

Original Price: $24.5

Deal Price: $14.7

40% off coupon: N5LH2OQT

Amazon Purchase Link:

Save 40% on ThorFire 500 Lumen Mini Flashlight TG06S
Original Price: $16.80
Deal Price: $10.08
40% Off Coupon Code: BVM5MMOZ
Deal Time: From 08/21/2018 7:00 AMPDT
Amazon Purchase Link: