Tmart daily deal - vote if you want a Skyray King for $48 tomorrow

Clear your cookies and vote again lads……. :wink: About 15,000 times because the king is now minus 5000 and the Refurbished Samsung plus 10,000. J)

Someone must have hacked the site……cheater!

I bet it’s because someone at Tmart read this thread.

Brightness 3000LM - 4200LM

Perhaps exaggerated

It sorta flattering that they’ve given us a –5000 handicap and the Refurbished Samsung a 10,000 headstart. :smiley:

So we lost :(

I found out how to "hack" this just as the voting ended. So when you click "vote", all it does is look at the current number of votes, add one, then send a "POST" with that number for the specific item. All you have to do in Chrome is right click on the vote count, inspect element, edit text, change to whatever number you want, then click "vote". As you can see I changed the vote on the LED bulb to 501.

Dangit JonnyC, sure wish you were quicker on that one… Next time!

Sure enough, the Samsung is the deal of the day for today

Now JonnyC if you could just figure out how to “hack” the Price……… :slight_smile:

Haha, I did look, but that's the only thing that can be "hacked" :) Hopefully they fix it, because that is really some poor design.

If they don't fix it, it's just a matter of who does the hack right before midnight.

Maybe we can come up with a sniping program like we use for ebay :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, nice story :D!

Now theres option to vote for radio controlled toys, no flashlights there :stuck_out_tongue: