TN31 vs K40 beamshots!!! I added 2 more pictures, I took three of each.

yeah, i think it lights up the air/mist whatever so much that you can’t see the tower well

clearly more throw with the tn31

but actually, based on price, the look of the case, smaller size and wider spill, i’d probably go for the k40


That one is so much better. I can look at the beam past the tower and tell the TN31 wins.

Great job!

I will say that this one is the clearest image.

Thank you Brad… :slight_smile:

They really look the same. If only you can provide a darker setting. Maybe at trees and treeline with different ranges, 50m, 100m, 200m etc…

You can tell that the beam is definately going farther past the tower in the TN31 shot.

You can also tell that the beam intensity is brighter from the TN31.

TN31 wins !

Beam shots are about camera position. If you run the beam up or down at an angle, and take the picture through the beam, it is impossible to see what’s being lit up.

TN31 is a BEAST. Plain and simple. Thanks for sharing these pics.