Today I began to sort out my flashlight drawer on going project.

Ooooieeeee drools

Very nice, and I love the beautiful organization. Makes me want to crack down and organize all of mine like that…

Oh wait, I don’t have a collection like that :wink:

Very nice :smiley:

Just to prove that I really have been a flashlight slob I’m showing part of the mess I’m trying to organize. I really need this thread to keep my ass in gear because now everybody is watching. I bought that case to organize my knives over a year ago and I’m just starting on it now. I get sidetracked easily.
Two burned out bulbs in the overhead. Photos courtesy of an iPad and and lighting by a Balder SE-1 neutral.

The Drawer is already looking better.

The drawers in my bedside table are just as bad. Nothing is worse than rummaging for a Trojan and coming up with a diffuser.

Okay you pesky Zebralights, get your asses in gear!

from one extreme to another! Either way you’re still gonna go nuts! :smiley: :bigsmile: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :open_mouth: 8) :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

If I wasn’t already nuts I wouldn’t have drawers full of flashlights. This is what happens when you quit drinking, you just trade one addiction for another.

of all manic extremes.

You’ve come to the right place, at the right time.

It’s crazy. One addiction after another. But it’s better than drinking yourself under. :cowboy_hat_face:

Cool, so you trade some drawers full of loose lights for drawers full of plastic boxes full of lights you will have to open and search through to find same lights when you need one… Hmmm …

Perhaps some kind of catalogue system is in order too? :wink:

Office Depot is on my list for adhesive labels. It’s a lot easier with the cases than having to search through scads of identical black pouches. Sometimes you never find the one you’re looking for. Now I need a drawer for empty black pouches.

What is that green handle reverse tanto Benchmade you have there? Nice one!

Google is your friend… 940, right?

This thread makes me want to pull out my dvd of “High Fidelity” again.
Great movie and the scene of how Rob’s LP collection is ordered cracks me up!

I like your philosophy of budget lights also ouchyfoot.

The very one. Osborne 940.

for a Trojan and coming up with a diffuser.”

Ya well, hopefully you were still able to uh, errrrr………focus. :open_mouth:

+1 Looks awesome!!!

You have a awesome collection that needs displayed like this…. :wink:

If I had one of those, all I would see are the empty spaces that need to be filled. Not a good thing for a flashaholic.

P.S. I think Lumatic is coming after you next.

Ya, Your right… :bigsmile:

D25A clicky XML, D25A mini XPG, D25C clicky XML, D25C Ti clicky XML, D25C mini XPG

They’re all cool white. I don’t think neutral was available when I ordered them. The only reason there is a Ti version is because I ordered a regular and they sent it by mistake.

D25C clicky aluminum and titanium mix and match.

D25C Ti clicky with D25C mini head

and their 12-Mode Steps will help you to overcome your addiction. :cowboy_hat_face:

Better to buy lights than drink, you got something to show for.