Today's EDC (Pictures)

I have BIG pockets ——- :smiley:

U must be a giant lol

LOL—- They had a crime boss ( Carlos Marcello) in New Orleans years ago— He actually had deep pockets made on all his pants down to the knee and would would wades of cash out of them—- :money_mouth_face:

Having trouble posting the image but here is a link

Very nice! I like the d4

Me too … :slight_smile: I really like copper body lights. These Olight CU versions received a DIY forced egg salad patina. Very simple and speedy process.

Easy CU patina process: 2 hard-boiled eggs, smashed, inside a ziplock baggie. Add the light for 8 hours. Wash with mild soapy water … done.

That knife is gorgeous :open_mouth:

Yep … I really like carrying this one. Very nice medium-sized folder with European razor blade steel–12C27. I have attached a link for you to check it out.

Nice one, quite heavy, but that’s the Cu. Maybe milling from the inside would be neat but then better go for Ti right away.
Anyways, do you have pictures of this heavy weight champion?
There’s only a few on the seller’s page, none of the backside though.

I just love to read the comments on the knife, too heavy (well, it’s written it’s nearly 5oz), no security lock when closed (it’s no A/O)
Are the people really reading descriptions or is it just easier to complain when they were just plain lazy?


Btw, I have no copper knife but once I wanted to re-etch a damascus blade that I thinned out.
Before that I used the acid to etch a shopping cart key (when you must insert a coin) made of copper.

The blade took the copper only on one steel and even buffing with green compound didn’t remove it.

A friend liked it and ordered a pair of wooden scales to match with the copper. Too bad I’m not a good photographer…

I like everything I see above!:-) I don't know how many lights I have with copper maybe 50? I really don't know but my collection is between 300-400 lights?? Not sure

Nothing fancy or luxury, as long as it has good reliability (works as intended), i’m happy.
EDC at work that I carry on myself :

Xiaomi TwentySeventeen mechanical watch
Spyderco endura - ZDP 189
Sofirn C01 - Yuji 5600K high CRI
Jetbeam JET-µ - Nichia optisolis 5000K high CRI (modded by clemence)
Jetbeam RRT01 - Nichia 219B SW45K (modded)

I was using a JET-µ optisolis 6500K but lost it, replaced with the 5000K, both have the best high CRI I seen in years, particularly the 6500K since I always hated cool white but clemence’s beamshots convinced me to give it a go, I was not disappointed.
It took me some time to get used to its tint but the astonishing advantage of being able to see very good red and excellent green and blue colors shades in a cool white beam made it easy to appreciate it. At first I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I could never be enough dithyrambic about the Nichia optisolis series. The Yuji 5600K is excellent too.

Not in my work pants, for longer runtime I’m also using a FireFlies ROT66 (nichia 219B) or Astrolux MF01 (nichia 219C) and a BLF A6 (stock emitter, need to be modded) or Wuben TO50R (Samsung LH351D).

High CRI and nothing else because I truely like lights and have well fonctionning cones, why would I use CRI70 ?

You are 100% High CRI man!:-)

Here you can find a few more pics of this little heavy weight beauty champion -
L.L. Bean copper

A few Malkoff’s in the rotation … :slight_smile:

My EDC took to tubing at a conference the other night. No leaks!

Had to take photos the following day.

Petr, what is that smaller flashlight on the left of the Nicron?
BTW, you carry it all into that pouch? Gotta get one like that for me…otherwise my pockets will blow someday :smiley: