
Spotted the title and had to peek.

it;s rechargeable too!

actually ‘’refillable’’

i guess you dump the black crud out and put more in


alana yum

Naw, I don’t think she’s Choinese.

Its probably safer to make it “refillable” with modern Li-ion cell :smiley: , take out the depleted cell and put in the freshly charged :smiley: :smiley:

Wow, way to stereotype! FYI ‘Alana’ is a name given in many countries outside of China.

Uhh, “yum”… :person_facepalming:

I saw a video of an ape using a frog as a masturbatory aid. At first I laughed, but then I got to thinking. If that poor animal never bred, it was the final link in a chain that stretches back to beginning of itself. Millions of years of struggle and hardship had lead up to this precise moment, to have a chimp force itself upon it and to be laughed at on the internet. I tried to get rid if the thought. After all, it was only a senseless beast and nature has always been brutal, feeling bad about it would accomplish nothing. Then my thoughts turned to my fellow humans. Many of them die and suffer everyday for just as foolish reasons as a chimp’s sexual needs. Some have no other role in the world other than to be the face under the boot that stomps forever. There’s no point to all this agony, it only exists because it exists, and that’s how the world is built. This all leads up to the point where all of existence is swallowed by the void and everything that has ever had the semblance of significance is washed away.

The ape was confused looking for a condom. He wanted “ribbed” but instead got…