Underwater boat light

Hjeh… ever see the series “Invasion”? :laughing:

The housing being watercooled, how high do you think the current can be pushed on the Luxeon rebel or XP-E2? I’m using 1050mA at the moment without issue. Do you think I can push up to 2100mA?

As long as you have a good thermal pathway from the LED to the casing, which it appears you should, then you can simply feel the temperature of the casing and see if it gets perceivably warm. My guess with my experiences with underwater torches is that that would be a highly likely yes, you should be ok. You also have a decent sized aluminium heatsink behind the lights, even with the paint insulation.

As long as you don’t forget to turn them off once you get up on plane.

Ok I will give it a go. Only one way to figure it out I guess. The light are on an aluminium L bracket so the back of the housing is always in contact with water.