Username change

Look in the bottom left corner of your web browser.

I get a "Page not found" error for user #2.

User #3 is administrator, one of sb's accounts.

Mine is to damn long it always interferes with my comments lol.

Ahh yes that works, wow you’re #251!

Yeah, there aren't that many active BLF members from year one (2010).

I don't buy flashlights that often, but I do enjoy me some forum.

One more word from you Mr. Raccoon and your band!!! :rage:
Just kidding :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t know Mr.Racoon had a band

This is me and my band.

I play a mean harmonica!

I think user 18650 should get a reward :slight_smile:

That would be amateurhour, and they haven't logged in for 1 year and 10 months.

I know after a massive 2 posts.
26650 is another option :slight_smile:

Those are the magic numbers on FA forum :slight_smile:

I’ll create another ID for 21700

So the admin has more than one account?