Uses for throwers

Damn kids we were! I did the same. Grandma and grandpa were always in the dark :innocent:

Haha. True.

I used to have one of these as a kid to light up all the teenage lover cars that used to park on a hill nearby at night, it was funny how fast the car sped away after they got lit… If I had the GT back then…!!! :laughing: :person_facepalming:

Not really….even there you want to see what’s under your feet. So either have 2 lights or something more balanced than a pure thrower.

You can always point a thrower down at a lower setting and see your feet. What I mean is that on more enclosed spaces it becomes pointless to carry a big reflector over a more compact flooder

Putting the light up, shining from above the head to increase distance helps some too but from my experience it still doesn’t work well with big throwers. The spot is overwhelming and I barely see anything. Even L2 XP-L HI.