Utorch UT02 review with video comparison to U21

thanx for a quick reply

i`m currently reviewing it, so i`d like to get as much info as it possible.
at out local russian forum there was info that 2nd gen will have 2.5A at tail. that`s why i was confused with my 2.85A.

do you know how many ampers i`d get in turbo at tail with 1st gen flashlight?

Yes up to 6 Amp, about 5,6A at start

that is strange.

2.5A gives 1000-1100lum
and almost 2 times higher amperage, almost 6A gives just 200lumens more.

thanx anyway!

Yup, with 6 Amp at tail,there was only 1,08A to LED, and now with 2,5 –3 A there is 0.7A to LED. Much more efficient

o, got it finally

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