What 3x or 4x 18650 Light

I tried it with 4*NCR18650b protected and they trip and shutdown in about a second.

Curious how the NCR18650GA would do in it.

3x21700? What?! That exists atm? Where? I’m interested. Looking for a 3x21700 mega lumen output like the Adebeam X80 at a fair price.

Hate to break the bad news to you, but the Q30 is not a 3-fer, it is a 4-fer light, I believe it is a 2S-2P, in any event mine has 4 Q30’s in it.
It is a nice light, and for a 4-fer, it is quite small, it is considerable smaller than the 3-fer lights I do have.

I have no idea, but concidering there are very few 21700 lights I think the answer is no.

I think I should clarify my reply a bit.

Everybody wants long a runtime.
But (almost) nobody wants a light with 2 pounds of cells in it.
So there the trade-off starts.

4x18650 can’t be held comfortably by many.
3x18650 is much better. But sacrifices 25% runtime. (and max drain)

A 21700 isn’t much thicker than a 18650 so a 3x21700 possibly can be held comfortably by many.
21700 cells have 40% more capacity than 18650 cells.
So the thinner 3x21700 lights still outperform the 4x18650 lights capacity wise. And likely also max. drain wise.

It has to do with the protection circuit, not the cell itself.

In general, a protection circuit should kick in a little below the limits of the cell. In reality, different sellers buy the same cells but each adds whatever protection circuit they prefer, some are good quality and correctly setup, others aren’t.

So you could get a NCR18650B, a 30Q and a NCR18650GA, use the same protection circuit on all, setup to shutdown at 5A, and all of them will shutdown at 5A no matter what their true limits are.

My opinion is to use the right cells for each application and don’t count on protection circuit or battery chemistry to limit the Amps to what the cell can provide. That seems to me like a recipe for cell misbehavior (get very hot? vent? bang?). If a flashlight can draw 10A, use cells that can provide at least 10A continuously, don’t use cells that can only provide 5A because they will really really try to provide 10A…

Sofirn SP36?

I thought he was talking about getting three different lights as the 3-fer: The SP36, the Sofirn Q8, and the Haikelite Q30. :money_mouth_face:

I know that Liion Wholesale sells GA protected cells that allow 20 amps.

Even better, with a $150 budget…buy both AND batteries!

@diesel72, only buy one SP36 and 4x18650s, and keep your money for the FW3A.

Actually, just buy the SP36 with 4x18650s, use the SP36 in the meantime and put in the remaining 18650 in the FW3A.

Fireflies ROT66 is 3x18650 has switch LED’s, secondary LED’s and ANDURIL!! love this thing.

Highly recommend.

Actually…I already have a SP-36, a BLF Q8, 30Q’s and I’m on the list for a FW3A. When I get the new light, I’ll need to buy more batteries. Can’t really buy just one battery, that would be silly. Time to start planning the next flashlight besides the FW3A…