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Great choice :wink: Love this music for many years now!!!

Avenged Sevenfold and some Bloodhound Gang lol.

Easy Listening on Music Choices


Work out to THIS!

Woody Guthrie At 100


Nice lyrics and duet in this one:

Duran Duran-American Science…1986…

Roy Clark's Mesmerizing "Malagueña" (Live) - YouTube Roy Clark plays Malaguena

Budget concert, lol.

Guitar only.

A piece of history. Woody Guthrie at 100.
The entire album that was released on what would have been his 100th birthday in 2012. I grew up on American folk music / protest songs: Woody Guthrie, Phil Ochs, Joan Baez, Pete Seeger…

woody @100

The J. Geils band.
“Must of got lost”. With Intro. The good one. 6:40 minutes

Dave Matthew’s Jimi Thing from Central Park.

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