what happened to?

Apparently truth and transparency didn't prevail this time...

Mmmm, life's like that, isn't it.

Isn't that kind of a milestone for BLF?

First user to have all his posts and his account deleted?

It may be. I haven't heard of anything like it.

I always kind of thought I'd be first to be voted off the island.


27 weeks and 1 day ago was the last time a user named agenthex logged on... his profile is still here. I only warned 3 people ever to change their behavior/tone iseethelight, agenthex... and another one... I can't remember his name right now. ;-)

I forgot about goran. Also, make sure you don't forget goranm, goranx, and gorany. Who was the other person you warned? ;)

Remind me never to piss you off.

You aren't even capable of doing that, you are too friendly and good-natured for that. But I will protect BLF and its users with all that I've got to stay as friendly and useful as it was in the past.

I had noticed that gorann had not posted in a while but I didnt think he had disappeared, account and all. His own free will?

You and a few other members that watch over BLF is one thing I love about our forum. It's what makes BLF what it is today.

I was under the impression that agenthex was voted off? I knew gorann was banned, didn't realise that he'd also been expunged from the records as well.

Can't imagine who the third one was to receive a VW.. :~ ;)

Are you going to tell us?

Survivor - BLF island.

Who will be the 4th member voted off BLF island.

It’s not like we will miss any of the posts that got deleated. I can’t remember a single post from “iseethelight” that was worth reading. Life will go on without him just fine. In another week, nobody will even remember that he existed.

There was the one about the charger melting. I would call that worthwhile.

Any chance you can make your smilies folder on photobucket public or tell us where you found all of them? :)

foi dinoboy nor me ever received a PM by Vectrex

They are.