What's the Best $20 Flashlight in the World?

That’s hawt.

Might need a little paracord loving though…

Best? There is no best! All you must buy!

...yoda ....



What is the actual 2017 conclusion up to ~$20?
Five years later…


Depends what you want to use it for. Thrower, flooder, EDC, etc.? 18650, AA/14500, 16340? Ie, size?

My EDC? WF502B host, 5000K XP-L, mild OP reflector (just swapped from SMO), 1-mode 1A driver. Simple on/off general-purpose light. Decent output, lots of runtime, jack-of-all-trades beam, no worries about cooking anything even with a D26 drop-in.

You want straight-out-of-the-tin recs? Check out Convoy, Thorfire, Zanflare, Sofirn, Solarforce, etc. Lots of good and affordable (don’t wanna say “cheap”) lights.

Back to the original question: whaddya gonna do with it?

astrolux s1, or blf a6, not small but bright cheap rugged and good UI

Yeah, as someone that has gone overboard and is looking at slightly more than 50 flashlights … that’s not bad advice for best light under $20 (when they are on sale anyway).

i wont recommend DD light to all people, it’s hot, the runtime is not good, the output is regulated
i would put it to” get a wow from everyone” category

Not strictly “$20”, but in this area. Perhaps also 30… for a much better…
This “$20” FL is for my mother.
I would pay more. Currently I own an EagTac P25 (only “P25 ”on the head).

For now, Thrower AND Flooder.
But please mention what is what (also the ones mentioned here now).
A flashlight with variable optic does not exist?

18650 Lithium is the best and most flexible/spreaded… or not?


Beside all recommendations also specially bright cheap single LED throwers.
For example, for “GBeam” application.

And is there a good flashlight, which can also be used as a video light?

^ oh, i guess you are not familar with driver, DD mean Direct Drive(which is the method of some drivers use to control led), its advantage is small size and very high output(nearly same when you “directly” connect the led to battery)
some typical light using this driver are BLF A6 and astrolux S1, S2….

Eagle Eye X2R will give you a nice beam (similar to Convoy S2+) plus the micro-USB port to recharge it.
Not crazy bright, but plenty enough for everyday tasks (500 lumens IIRC)

+1 on Eagle Eye X2R. Solid. Small. Elegant. Cheap (under $20). Limited but fair flow (550 lm) that prevents from any over heating. Usb re-charge function working OK.

Good idea to revive this thread for an update. :slight_smile: It is fun to see the flashlight list in the OP, I still have some of those.

My best flashlights are all modded, but for a stock light, the best overall current <$20 flashlight should be the new Convoy S2+ ‘desert tan’.

-good output, it uses a modern led, and now on a DTP-board
-over and over proven design which is tough as nails.
–18650 battery based (the best developed battery type suitable for flashlights in the world)
-many led and output options
-fully servicable, cheap spare parts all over the place
-regulated output
-new biscotti firmware, great mode spacing, great UI that is fully customisable

My vote.

How many Lumens?
500-600 for Desert Tan S2+?
And the Atactical A1?

The A1 is 550 lumen. There is also an 1150 lumen version for 10 bucks more.