Who Ho !!!! almost 4 months to the day ...

I have had better results than most from DX. I think the longest item was a 5A tint XRE drop in, they were a hot commodity ~3 years ago and it took them ~2 months to get more from their supplier. But they did eventually ship it. its a good dropin, still one of my favs although I dont use it that much, because its not very bright with 18650.

After a 2 1/2 months' "wait for supplier", my Jacob A60 finally shipped.

You guys are lucky - I have a order which is on backlog since 30th December 2011 :(

Two more which are "Pending refund authorization" since 17th October 2011 and 3rd September 2011 respectively.

Got shipping notification yesterday - one week to the day from order.

2 weeks since i ordered a bikelight for 3$ which should have been 70$, still being prepared for shipment

Great! Do let us know how it is! I've been anxious to hear about it. (Perhaps I should just order it now while it may be in stock!)


The Tank 007 TK-568 ordered at DX got here after about 3 months, the extension tube from MF was delivered in 3 less than weeks.

it seems it's going all down hill with DX and with MF. maybe i should change my employer and help the to too two get the positive spirits back up.

me too still waiting for some (minor) stuff from them..