Why in the world would you do that ???

never been shot with a taser but after choping a shopping bag worth of really hot chilli and going to pee without washing my hands or wearing gloves later. never again. i think enough said even the bigest man will feel this!!

I once dried a bunch of peppers and used a cheap coffee mill to grind them up. I took great care not to touch my eyes, after all I’m not an idiot. I went to the bathroom and didn’t think anything of it. I actually thought, hey if it doesn’t burn my fingers…, fingers aren’t the same thing as the bird.

Actually, I opened up some shotgun shells and rolled up the powder in a piece of binder paper and taped it to a styrafoam glider and lit the back end with a match… it smoldered for awhile… my brother went to relight it… just as he was reaching for it, it lit off, took off, flew around for awhile, and when it landed, the tail of the plane had been consumed in the jet exhaust.
Did I say “I”? Really, it was some other guy and his brother, really.
I’m not sure why, but fireworks are now illegal where we live. Must be all the hills covered in dry grass and brush in the summer along with the idots who “just have to” “try this”.

I had a bad weekend.
Thought I’d save a few bucks by replacing a leaking pressure/ temp valve on my gas hot water heater. Googled it and was ready to go. Drain the tank of hot water by running it in a bath. Turn the temp down to one. Turn off the water to the heater. Wait till pressure drops etc. I waited about an hour and a half. Still pressure. Unscrewed the valve. Water spray every where. Quickly fit the valve. Got completly soaked. Turned the temp up to 5. Turned the water back on. Waited a few hours. No hot water. Pilot light out. Somehow damaged the starter trying to light it. Decided to read the instructions on the heater flap. Damn was doing it wrong and have broken the starter. I had also turned off the gas not the water. OOPS. Lit the pilot with a lighter and all is good now.

Tonight cut my face open when pulling on the end of an extension cord. Hit me hard in the face and split my skin about 2cm. Usually I hit myself in the crown jewels so it could have been worse.

@ Boaz. I have burnt myself so many times when melting the end of ropes.

When I was a child I thought it was a good idea to hit a .22 with a hammer. A piece of shrapnel went into my leg. It paralised my leg for a hour. Couldn’t tell anyone so I just laid there crying. I assume its floating around my body somewhere.

You know that story about licking a 9V battery? Who hasnt done that..^^

So is that why your handle is edc?

Few days ago i went out to party and peed 10m away from a public toilet (which was flooding all over the street already with puke all over) almost right in front of a cop… Didn’t see him until he lit up his (pathetic) flashlight. Got fined as only one who was peeing there. Cop said: ‘I saw you first…’ (I’m always dressed completely in black…).

One of many reasons - lol

Oooh , I feel you :slight_smile:

I had been growing small really hot chilly, and one day when all of them were dried I’ve started to get all of the seeds out … After this I also went peeing without washing my hands , and boooy that was a hell of a sensation , thank God for cold water ;)), anyway the burning went away after half an hour or so …

don’t play with chilli or you’ll get burned!

Did that once. Put Mr Johnson in a glass of milk and the pain stopped quickly.

oh u guys had it easy… only that quick. mine lasted about 5 hours!!!

i think used 2L bottle of milk over it and does not much really!! it works for the tongue a little bit but not the chilli!!!

Didn’t think of that back then, but indeed very good solution with milk , buttermilk or yogurt…

3am. Sittin in the library (toilet)…real quiet…dark…… deeeeep in thought reading……….had my headlamp on………I had forgotten the dog (150lb) was just outside the back door right around the corner (10 ft) from toilet……….still reading & just as I touched the cup to bottom lip for a sip (HOT) the dog let out ONE VERY LOUD BAAAAARK (that is his let me in bark)………. as I jerked a half cup went not only up the nose but down chin & flooded my……….you know, those things down there. as well spilling all over my book & flying through the air! Oh, & it burned like hell! Now that I think of it, it was not even funny though it is now. Edit- this happened two days ago. BTW, as I was typing this a jet flew about 100 ft above my house! We thought it was going down. That has never happened in my life.


I made some noodles in the work microwave and pulled out the plastic dish which wasn’t that hot but the water inside was boiling and the noodles were done…I went to close the microwave door with my elbow (dish in hand) and splish splash both hands covered with boiling water…jesus that hurt for hours and blistered up like crazy…what a dumb move lol