Win a free driver or Aux board, just tell me what is shown in this photo

Maybe fine sandpaper?

Small cockroach between a glass and something with thermal paste?

You are almost there just write what type it is and you are the winner
Just one word more than you already did

Is it a multilayer ceramic capacitor?

Mokume or damascus made object? Flashlight, knife?

MLCC looks like this old photo

The answer.
NVM, I dont want to win :innocent:

We have multiple almost right answers, a combination of 2 is the correct answer

Cross section of a multilayer ceramic chip capacitor.

And the winner is CRX

With some alcohol to clear up the scratches and 90° to the Damascus pattern

So… just so we’re clear… no aliens?


CRX may be an alien :smiley:

I obviously need to step up my “flashlight nerd” game as I had no clue what that was.

So, what did you use to cut it?

180 and down to 5000 grit sandpaper


Thanks Lexel :+1: