Winner announced: Giveaway: 1,000 posts and 2-year anniversary of ""ReyLight"

Insky, Thanks Rey! :beer:

I’m in. Thanks for the giveaway! :slight_smile:

I’m in. Yowsah!

Ahum, my place is only one block away from Deutschland (a.k.a. Germany).
But that doesn’t count, or does it?

Good to have you here Rey !
I’m in too.

I am in … Sounds great.

Sounds like fun, I’m in!


I’m in, thanks Rey.

I’m in! The ReyLight was before my time, so it would be cool to get one!

I’m in, thanks!

I'm in, thanks!

Thanks Rey!

I’m in, thanks!

I’m in please. With the amount of generosity shown by BLF members, perhaps I need to add “I’m in” to my signature!

i am in ,thanks.

Count me in please!

I’m in, thank you Rey.

I'm in!

I was born in W. Germany (USAF parents) but I guess that doesn't count to get the second entry.

i am in thanks

I love your minis, please count me in.

The Mini-01 modded with Nichia 219B is still my favourite keychain light.