Would a "Thanks" button help or hurt BLF?

Yea but that could all change once people see that there is ranking system. I am a member on other sites that have a ranking system and its all just a gloat show… People contribute but most of it is rubbish they just do it for fame…

Any ways all as we can do is try and maybe make a forum back up before the Cometa scandel started im sure some one here is working on a time machine.

How about a “none of the above” option?

The thanks! button is just not needed. If you feel the need to thank someone, then just thank them. Simple.

If its too much bother to thank them via PM or in a post, then there must be something wrong.

All this thanks! and rude! stuff is all just getting a bit too much really, I think there are some folks here who should get a life!

Message ends. :wink:

Can’t wait for the 2017 improved BLF UI

I would add that if a Thanks! button were implemented it would only do the following:

  1. Show a private counter to the user of the times (s)he was thanked
  2. A private list of the user’s posts that were thanked

It would definitely not be:

  1. A publicly visible “X users said thanks for this post”
  2. A publicly visible “Thanked” score
  3. A publicly visible ranking of users by their Thanks score

Also I would like to add that I definitely don’t have a problem with a simple “Thanks a lot!” type of post to express thanks. Bloated and off-topic threads are a defining feature of BLF, and that’ll never change. :sunglasses: And furthermore, sincere, heartfelt thanks is always a kind gesture that should never be restricted.

Maybe its not "needed" but I think it would be very useful. You have to remember were not a bunch of fame seeking children here. Of course you still write out a thanks but by clicking the button it goes in there visible bank or meter for others to see. I understand that it will probably never happen but who knows? I automatically have respect for members ranking high in Thanks. It means their helpful to the community. That is a good thing. Surely, then if we were all children then it would not work in the way it was designed. But I don't think that is the case here, I have a great deal of respect for just about everyone here. Why? Because I've read 100's and 100's of posts and that is my general consensus. It would be very helpful also to new people entering BLF. It would aid in their decision making process in whom to ask questions or those who are most likely to be helpful.

Love that last line SB, your quite a character.

Having a ‘Thanks’ button is a simple and easy way to show that their post was appreciated and helpful without cluttering up a thread or sending an unnecessary pm.

If someone only received a few replies for instance after doing a comprehensive review they could be under the impression that they’re wasting their time, it’s nice to be appreciated.

Exactly! This way there's a so called "paper trail". It is simple, very rewarding to the person receiving the thanks. That way they have something to get motivated by if needed. It's like, "gee, people really like me here, I think I'll do more to contribute".

of course “thanks” button hurt meanwhile “rude” button aren’t :laughing:

No, thanks.

I’d rather see what happens now continue unabated:

— people come up with useful approaches to improving flashlights, whether handwaving and wishing (as I mostly do) or coding and building and explaining how to do that (as some folks do)
— the attention that kind of thinking and doing gets is the measure of gratitude here.

Buttons are for focusing attention on clever single posts.

“It is like a finger pointing at the Moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.”

We’re here to make and distribute better flashlights.

We might as well get on with doing that.

For what i’ve seen on forums over the years it is quite common to be able to give feedback without posting anything. Some forums have a “Like” button and the post shows a “Like count”. The user has a “liked” counter along his number of posts. Some call it “Kudo”, others “+1”… It all boils down to some positive (or negative) feedback that is accounted for and becomes part of the interaction - be it named semi passive.

Personally i’m not sure about it, but overall it seems a good idea. Sure it is a nice gesture to take the time to say “thanks” or “well done” or “great info” or… but honestly i often don’t do it because:

- it does not add much to a thread

- it takes space

- it gets subscribed users to come see what’s new for nothing

- it takes time - at least more then clicking a button

  • the post may be somewhat ‘old’ and posting about it to say thanks would be awkward

…so there are many good posts i would have liked to “like” but i didn’t and the member who posted doesn’t know it.

Bottom line… I’m for some kind of quick feedback mechanism, possibly positive and negative, with some count on the post and possibly in the recipient stats. It is rewarding to be liked and promotes useful posts i think.

I’m no expert in ‘forum dynamics’ so there may be some hidden side effects i can’t foresee…
And after all, if BLF has worked fine without it… why change something that’s working?
Oh damn! i forgot that’s what modders do! :person_facepalming:

I didn’t vote.

This looks like a forum running V bulletin to me. If anything I would be inclined to use the reputation button system if you want a way to “reward” posters.

A button will not change behavior. That’s what the forum rules and moderators are for.



There is an expression that has an almost identical counterpart in the Dutch language:“every little bit helps”.
So I am in favor of a Thanks button. And for those who want to clarify their thanks, there is always the comment option.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Unless you prefer: Enter the dragon.

Agree that things are getting too complicated here. Keep it simple.

I’m also definitely inclined toward leaving out the “Thanks” feature, at least for now. I do feel that the “Rude!” button is necessary and is serving the intended purpose. But the difference is that no reply is the best reply to rudeness or inflammatory posts, whereas good deeds should be amply thanked and really shouldn’t bother anybody if they appear in a thread. And as mentioned, even more touching is a grateful PM. From time to time I get a PM out of the blue just to say “thanks”, and that always makes my day. A “Thanks” meter wouldn’t have that same effect.

BLF should not have user rankings.

Well, I wasn’t even considering user rankings, because I really don’t want BLF to become the next Reddit. The only possibilities were a private thanks meter and a private list of thanked posts, but I don’t think even that is necessary at this point. Of course, I do encourage everyone to say “thanks” whenever it’s appropriate to do so, even if it is a one-liner that “takes up space”. :slight_smile:

At the risk of belaboring the point, I’d like to remind everyone once more that the Rude! button should not be used to express disagreement or disinterest in the post, or to express dislike of the poster. It’s only meant for rude, lewd, or conflictive posts. Another synonym for this button would be “Inappropriate”.

Here is another point of view for your consideration. Fairness, yes fairness. We have a Rude button now, lets equal it out with something POSITIVE, like a Thanks button. Can't have one without the other really. Right now it seems like you only have a problem with rudeness and Spam you are dealing with, and, it is having it's desired effects. Lets try to lighten the mood a little with a Thanks button. It really makes sense. I mean, right now you look down at the bottom of any given post and your presented with NEGATIVE feeling buttons.

But that is exactly what makes this forum AUTHENTIC. I can’t imagine those reviews getting hundreds of views and zero replies, but instead just a bunch of “likes” that the OP doesn’t know where they came from.