WTS: Various Flashlights, UV laser, Weller Solder station

I’m using old IE right now and still can’t see your pictures in the OP, but I can see the one that raccoon city re-posted (not any more). At home, I use Firefox, and I could see one picture in your OP, but not the other.

Usually when members say they can’t see images, I can see them fine. I usually browse BLF on an iPad using Safari.

Oddly, I’m having issues with the images in this thread.

Windows 10, Firefox:

  • I see the first image in the first post.
  • Large, empty thumbnails for the second image and rc’s image.

Windows 10, Microsoft Edge: :confounded:

  • I see the first image in the first post.
  • No empty thumbnails for the second image or rc’s image.
  • There’s not even anything to select or right-click on as far as image link.

Windows 10, Chrome:

  • Same as Edge.

iPad and iPhone, Safari:

  • Large, broken thumbnails for all three images.

MacBook, Firefox:

  • Same as Windows 10, Firefox.

FWIW, all of these devices are on the same network. I tried again on the iPhone using cellular data (WiFi turned off) with the same result.

I hope this helps with your diagnosis. :slight_smile:

Yesterday I could see the image I posted.

Today I cannot.

I just don't think it's a good idea to try to "host" images with Dropbox.

It doesn't play nicely with BLF.

BTW, I put the word "host" in quotes because Dropbox isn't a real image hosting site.

Also in a very quiet room I usually hear I am touching my skin with the iron before I feel the heat

I don’t think the fact it’s Dropbox has anything to do with it. It’s a browser compatibility issue. I think I found the solution. Everyone should see the image now:

That’s all great information for your therapist.

The Fenix E05 is sold now too.

I see the image in your last post and in the OP.

One zoomie is sold now too.