XTAR VC4 Charger for $21.99

In my search for a suitable charger I also considered the D4.
I had found a comprehensive comparison between the Nitecore D4 and the XTAR VC4 here: http://www.flashlightslighting.com/xtar-vc4-vs-nitecore-d4/
I don’t know if any of the two is better than the other, I just opted for the VC4 because the price was better and it has all I was looking for in a charger. :slight_smile:

It will discharge a battery when not connected to a power input but I suspect that that’s not what you are looking for?

It will display voltage, current and charging capacity.

Here’s a link to an extensive review by HKJ Test/Review of Charger Xtar VC4

This is why people dont like aff links.

its not the links - its the people…

0.02 $

The code has allready expired and the price is now $29.99.

Is anyone interested in a new code for this charger? If so, I will contact Gearbest again to ask for a new coupon code.

(sigh). As usual, the comment sections are more interesting than the article/post itself

Thanks for the heads-up Xtar! That’s good to know.
I do have a hard time finding the EU wall adapter for this charger though…
Gues I’ll use my Samsung tablet charger when I get the VC4. :slight_smile: