BLF GT Design

It is too late for that ‘The Miller’, you have already done that with the negative comments you openly made about ‘5ar’.

I simply then “openly” asked you about them, yet you seemingly refuse to “openly” address what you said.
I’m not picking on you or even mad or upset.
I only wish for you to “openly” explain your comments or “openly” apologize to ‘5ar’ if you cannot.

If I read what he wrote correctly, ‘5ar’ would like an explanation also.

The ball is in your court………

I think miller is (understandably) frustrated with all the bickering that has been going on, I think it just caught up to him.

Admittedly I have been childish and I should have just let things slide, I apologize for my part in it.

I also need to apologize to Jerommel for being overly argumentive.

How about we put things behind us and everyone work _TOGETHER _to make the GT happen.

Both design 1 and 2 are good and popular options.
Both of them need things tweaked and changed, neither is perfect.
The results are too close between the two to make a concrete decision.
Instead of arguing why one is better than the other, we should be making suggestions and improvements to both of them one feature at a time.

Eg. first decide what the logo will look like, then decide on knurling or no knurling and where, then decide on tailcap flanges or not, etc.
I think by doing this and having these decisions implemented to both designs we will end up with something in the middle that most people will be happy with.
Currently the lights are far too different and unique and appeal to people with different tastes.

Maybe working out other parts of the light first like a reflector will help make more progress currently rather than arguing about aesthetics.
Thickness of metals, positions of fins, and stuff like that is not set in stone so anything about “balance” or “temperature” is pretty irrelevant at this point in the decision making progress.
Both lights have almost identical proportions and balance and temperature can be worked out later easily.

:+1: :+1: :+1:

I’ll go with ‘Crystal Clear’ then this time Jerommel…. as in “Let me make it” :wink:

I hate to admit it, but I honestly like the design you came up with.(Just not for this light….)
But as far as your opinions, “personal preference”, and how you come across as feeling everyone’s design has to agree with “your vision” ……. I could care less about any of it.
I know you’ll be heart broken…… :wink: , but I actually do care less than zero. :slight_smile:

Case in point, what you said above about “5ar doesn’t yet pick up on the points made about his design”. Why in the world would he do a wholesale change of “his design” to accommodate what you think might be problem areas.

I don’t think they are. This is going to be a BIG light, and I think with 8 x 18650’s it will be balance just fine. Weight distribution as well as handling will be smooth also…… for a BIG light.

And as far as “protruding sharp bits”……… :person_facepalming: … Give me a break. :person_facepalming:

This is what I think, you can disagree all you want. But for you to proclaim your way is the only correct way is laughable. As is saying ‘5ar’ doesn’t understand his own design.

So hopefully you will take your own advice and “spare us” also.


Okay Teach, let’s not make this personal.

More from the armchair….
I have explained myself enough.
If it’s not satisfactory to you then so be it.

You are of course welcome to your opinion, but it seems to me that people are going too far with the insistence that all these designs need to be re-worked somehow. The designs have been submitted. The poll is open. Too many people are trying to pressure designers into making changes. IMHO, this is not the time for being back seat drivers. These guys aren’t getting paid by the hour here. They don’t work for us. This is a hobby. The idea that they must work in every suggested modification we might dream up is absurd.

I explained before how I voted for a design that, while nice, wasn’t my heart’s first pick. I voted for the one I thought would make the best light from the designs we were given, assuming the designs don’t change between now and production. I think that is the most honest way to vote. Voting with strings attached is only going to make the poll results meaningless.

That is true, people are doing this for free, but I highly doubt anything can stay the way it is before it goes into manufacturing.
It simply never works out like that.
It would be great if it did, but it never does, so change is something that people need to accept.
That’s what engineering is like.

No, the voting was an excellent ‘feeler’.
But i.m.o. a bit premature, and i understand 5ar thought it was a bit premature too.
(there is also PM communication going on you see.)

We’ll get there. :+1:

Exactly. Nobody should look at this poll and say “oh #2 got 5 extra votes (or wahtever) therefore this is what the flashlight will look like”

I agree completely Jeromm & feel the same way. :+1:

Ah but you’re not aware of everything you see.
You just assume these things are an attack from just me on just 5ar and / or his design.
But i was explaining something and i would like to be corrected if i’m wrong.
But you’re not in the position to do that.

Teacher, let’s end this tiff.

We all want the same thing:
An awesome thrower, a Giga Thrower that will be right for everyone.

I agree.
I ended it back in post #143…… :slight_smile:

Hey ‘The Miller’ this one is for you :wink:

Cheers David

I voted for #2, but #1 was a very close second.
I would be happy with 1, 2, 3 or 4!


Miauw :wink:

Seem to me got a winner?

204 have voted, and we have to go 19 pages backwards in “older polls” section to have more voters , with What LED tint do you prefer? - 273 votes

I like the rubber bezel/tail bumpers idea. On a flashlight this large it would be great. I don’t see it in any of the designs, but hope it could be considered for the one(s) that is selected.

The design 1 by fritz included bumpers from the start. So far, his is the only one to incorporate that.