ALIVE: Astrolux S42 groupbuy: US$ 25.95

Filled out and submitted

Wondering how this UI will work with an E-switch?

Well the big gap between turbo and the next level is common now, but could somebody explain what is the point of so close hi I/II and med I/II levels?


Please include me for astrolux s4 rechargeable

I submitted the form - in for one

thanks, Martin - great deal!

Can someone tel me the difference between the 3 Emitters?

Submitted the form. Might have left out my username. Should I resubmit? Thanks!

i will send the code to all mails on the list and pm only the people who did not enter a mail ;)

i update the list tonight...

This might be a stupid question, but I did not see it discussed anywhere… Does this light use PWM on the lower modes?

Form submitted. Does it include 18650 tube?

1x Xpg3
1x Nichia 219C please.

… Why has this S42 more output than the S41 with the same XP-G3!?

S42S Stainless Steel, S42S colored group buy ?


Submitted; Nichia please! :smiley:

Black aluminum with copper head/engine?


I’ve filled the form but don’t see my name on the list ? :question: My name is DERFY on your blog…

Thanks !

you h

just entered your mailadress (sibo*******@hotmail*****)

thats on my list and you will get an email ;)

-> updated the list

Form filled in, I’m in. Put me down for an XP-G3 please although it’s not a huge saving from what BG are quoting, maybe £3.50 cheaper.